I don't think she's lying but, deep down, I find it highly disturbing that she chooses this point, many years into the future, to destroy a persons's reputation at a critical point in his career. It smells of a politically-motivated move to stop a conservative candidate. I find myself in conflict because you really don't need another conservative judge and this is one way to do it but, on the other hand, he's a highly accomplished person, irrespective of his politics, who has conducted himself properly apart from an immature moment when he was a youth. Is a person to be condemned for the rest of their life for such an immature moment. Maybe this is the future and we must all act like virginal nuns from the day we are born unless we want to be subjected to 'trial by internet' at some later stage. The overarching point, I feel, is that peoples actions are increasingly, in the internet age, having no sell-by date and they are being preserved in perpetuity, never allowing a person the possibility to change and grow. A biblical reference: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.