The 'theory of everything' is about having a common description of the four fundamental forces: gravity, weak force, strong force, electroweak force. This is, in part, is related to your OP whereby the latter three forces in my list are quantised i.e.pixellated, but gravity has been stubbornly resistant to being quantised because it's not yet been satisfactorily mediated by a particle description, which the others have been. Gravity is, thus far, only satisfactorily described by curved spacetime in General Relativity, and that says space is 'smooth'; not pixellated. Scientists want to chop space up into little bits to tie it in with the description of the other forces but no-go, so far. They are currently being forced to use two theories, depending on the scale they are looking at; quantum theory for sub-atomic stuff and GR for bigger stuff. Space joins the two scales and they can't get GR to behave mathematically at sub-atomic scales.