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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, on the Reuters site I often read along the lines of "President Trump accused Mr X of... without evidence"
  2. Yeah, I googled her. She's my generation.
  3. Is she your idea of hot?
  4. The acid will take take care of bugs on it and the protein enzymes will decompose the silk.
  5. Is there much difference in the integrity of the current administration with the Russian one?
  6. I don't think there's any doubt there was a conspiracy to win by whatever means but will he pull up the definitive link with Russian high command?
  7. It's set to drop 19.6 cubic miles, 18 trillion gallons, of water on N.Carolina. The real danger from this event is it's slow moving nature over the ocean, giving it time to accumulate serious amounts of water.
  8. This is how I understand it happened: from lipids.
  9. I understand maths to be a language which one uses to describe quantitatively ones thoughts. I don't think it is the source of answers. I think sometimes its complexity gives the impression that it can be. The answer has to come from intuition or making a connection in the first instance.
  10. No problem. Take care.
  11. You really need somebody that specialises in her disability and issues. Her doctor should be your first port of call. This is a medical/psychological issue and we are not allowed, nor would we wish, to dispense advice that we are not qualified to give. We are just a science discussion group. Best of luck with getting help.
  12. That chap was shot by a civilian, not a police officer. He was not shot in the course of her executing her job.
  13. That puts you in the shit With the missus Innit
  14. I had to look that word up then realised that's the lingo. Thank god I'm not young any more. I do like the groove sometimes of rap.... Hey, yeah man.
  15. Pop music reflects the tastes of the time and rap is part of the present generation. It'll change with the next generation.
  16. Those maps are exactly the type I was looking for but didn't know how to Google it. I wonder if I can find one like that for the UK. Those maps show the problem right there.
  17. OK.
  18. If you change any aspect of an object's motion you are accelerating it. I'm open to correction though.
  19. Exception in what way? I picked it randomly, thinking it was a typical large US city area, then looked for a map of ethnic distribution.
  20. I hope you didn't take my post as implying any negativity towards your post because none was intended. I know you are learning, just like I am. I was just putting it out there to those that are likely to know.
  21. What's important is the geographical distribution of ethnicities as this determines day-to-day exposure.This is New York: http://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/01/23/nyregion/20110123-nyc-ethnic-neighborhoods-map.html?_r=0
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