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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Hi ZV.
  2. The answer is just a beer and a thought away.
  3. All I can say is"wow". I've never heard of this phenomenon before. The lake is 450m deep and lake bed pressure is about 45 atmospheres at around 24C; a can of Coke holds just over 2 atmospheres of pressure at 20C, for comparison.
  4. Right. I just looked at his quote in isolation. Empirically, dark matter is not directly measurable. It can only be observed in a roundabout way via effects on other stuff. It sounds like he's pushing it too far. More generally, you can't argue against the faithful and devout because they will alter reality to fit their beliefs. Confirmation bias is their loyal companion.
  5. Thick is as thick does. I read this earlier and mentally facepalmed. Your link is subscriber only. Here's a BBC link but without the Italian bit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45246049 Looks society is going to have to learn the hard way.
  6. Is he wrong? Seems like a pretty sound argument to me.
  7. The scientific evidence is that the model conforms to the measurements and a gravitational field does that.
  8. I know. Never mind. I can't get across what I'm thinking. I find it problematic because it's so tied with our physiology and I have difficulty separating my perception from the external or objective properties.
  9. Is orange not some kind of product of red and yellow, rather than a pure colour? I'm thinking of the order of a rainbow, and orange is between those two.
  10. Probably still in the authors heads.
  11. I think the omission is an Invision software thing, not to do with the site owners.
  12. Getting the right answer and understanding are not necessarily inclusive.
  13. Energy that is extracted over and above what you put in; in a closed system. A bit like putting something liquid into a container and then expecting to pour out more than you put in; that would be free liquid.
  14. Would a deionizer to discharge static make dust removal easier? Would firing negative ions at it harm anything?
  15. Does it mean it has a higher tendency to attract the field into the body of itself? I noticed in one description it said the electrons - presumably the outer ones - are 'unordered'. Does that mean that they can absorb the magnetic flux until they reach a point of saturation and then become ordered, like an ordinary magnet? It is very expensive... wow!
  16. Mu metal has a higher magnetic permeability apparently... whatever that means/
  17. I assumed he was referring to string theory. I don't think any mortal can wrap their head around it but the model demands them apparently.
  18. The 4th dimension is time. It should actually be described as '9+1 dimensions'; 9 spatial and 1 temporal. The other six dimensions are hidden in the same way, analogously, that if you look at a tube from a sufficiently long distance it looks like a 1 dimensional line with no surface; the other dimensions are too small in scale to be seen. The other six dimensions can't, as yet, be described.
  19. Any theory you come up with to explain something you can't observe, like strings, has to ultimately work consistently with the standard model, gravity etc. They can't just make ideas up in isolation.
  20. You can call things what you like but ultimately their behaviour must connect and be consistent with what is observed even though you can't observe those things, like strings, directly. A theory either works or it doesn't and nobody supposes any working theory is a true mirror of nature in the final analysis but does bring us closer.. A lie is a wilful deception.
  21. I think all fancy handwriting does is tell you the level to which a person has trained to handwrite. My writing is scruffy and I loathe doing it.
  22. But if they are, they can't use it as evidence because they would have to declare their source in court; the end result is the same. I agree with the last sentence. This all boils down to a general perception of lack of trust of the general public in governmental processes. As a personal anecdote: I was all for there allowing access in serious cases that involved the security services, but that changed when the UK government wanted to allow the same powers to local councils to chase poll tax evaders without seeking a warrant. The bar had been set too low and I became vehemently against it. It's got even worse since then with everybody being more connected.
  23. That makes you a binger.
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