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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. But yours is blind.
  2. And you'll always get dog shit on your shoe,
  3. Maybe I'm having a blonde moment but I can't see it.
  4. I hadn't either. I can't fathom, in that schematic, why the sensor is perpendicular to the atom... or is it just because it's a 2D representation of a 3D object?
  5. I did a thread on this idea quite some time ago for the purposes of reducing atmospheric CO2 but adding your idea increasing food availability makes even more attractive. I wonder if wave power could be utilised to power the pump action, or even solar and tidal by combining the mechanical surface parts that capture wave energy with solar panels on them. Flexible solar film will be commercially available in the near future.
  6. It's a photoionization microscope picture: Here's a schematic of the process: A photoionization microscope provides direct observation of the electron orbital of a hydrogen atom. The atom is placed in an electric field E and excited by laser pulses (shown in blue). The ionized electron can escape from the atom along direct and indirect trajectories with respect to the detector (shown on the far right). The phase difference between these trajectories leads to an interference pattern, which is magnified by an electrostatic lens. [Credit: APS/Alan Stonebraker] Here's the technical explanation: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v6/58
  7. My guess is it's a reduced probability density. Swansont will verify or not. Edit: Reading a bit: That electron is in an excited state.
  8. I think the light outer ring is the orbital of the electron. It represents the zone where it is most of the time, with probability decreasing the further in or out it goes. The darker blue represents lack of occupancy.
  9. You can't do it like a YT video, I think. Great idea from that chap.
  10. Laws target a set of undesirable behaviours. Certain types of companies have those behaviors as part of their modus operandi.
  11. How do you conflate FB with 'The Internet'? Slippery slope argument. It's funny how a lot of people are polarised either one way or the other and never seek a balance between two extremes.
  12. FB et al definitely needs regulatory oversight. It's starting here in Europe but I imagine it will not emerge in the US in Trump's America. He's seems to be dismantling everything that is trying to protect people.
  13. Live with some heroin addicts, as an example, then it's not so difficult to understand. Depraved examples of people are never faraway, if we choose to look. If all one sees is inhumanity then it takes a strong person to preserve their own and likely at considerable personal cost.
  14. Right. Is there a relationship with the frequency or wavelength that tells you what colour will result when you combine two spectral colours? I'm talking about light, not pigments. For instance, if we mix green light with red light we get yellow. Can we predict mathematically the result?
  15. I think it's heading in that direction, in Europe anyway. They are getting hot on how our data is handled.
  16. I would think just about all large online retail outlets monetize every aspect of their business, including customer data, where possible. They also try not to let go of you when you leave their site because they'll try and track your behaviour across the net; it's ruthless.
  17. OK. What's your prediction? what do you think will be his destiny by the end of his term, if he gets there?
  18. Presuming he escapes the law whilst President because the President can't be touched, can it come back to bite when he''s not?
  19. Do you think the law agencies will concur with this?
  20. If he surrounds himself with such people, I don't think it's unreasonable to think Trump is like them... crooked.
  21. What things "look like" at that scale depends what you are using to look at them with. I think it's best to think of them in terms of their behavior rather than in visual terms. They are far below the resolution of optical light frequencies. They are combinations of forces, not things with solidity and form as we understand it at our macro-scale.
  22. God is Polyfilla for the ignorant.
  23. It's his Achilles Heel.
  24. Hi ZV.
  25. The answer is just a beer and a thought away.
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