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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Could it be some opposite manifestation of spacetime; like gravity is but behaves differently? Perhaps the geometry is different. Is that an avenue of research?
  2. The more you know, the greater the appreciation of the achievements of people like Einstein and if people like Witten can''t change it, what chance have I? When people post up "paradigm-changing ideas" I ask "How many spliffs has he had?".
  3. Cheers. Sorted.
  4. When you measure pressure as you go down, when you say it's "1 atmosphere", are you treating the atmospheric pressure above as 0 pressure and it's relative to that?
  5. We can all dream.
  6. I think it won't happen; it will only be extended. You could be the same intelligence but just coming from a different angle at a problem, just as he did to Newton.
  7. SR is GR with a flat spacetime, which means without gravity. If you are getting zero's and infinities as your result then you know it's broken down and not valid.
  8. IIRC, there is no frame for a photon because you get zero's and infinities, which means it makes no sense and is not useful.
  9. Being sedentary is the enemy of slim.
  10. <sigh> There's a Galileo born everyday.
  11. You are still scattering now the same bacteria-types about that you did then.... just as everybody else is. You've not got a legally notifiable disease, I'd forget about it.
  12. It would appear most UTI-causing bacteria normally inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, which are commensal normally there; they are just in the wrong place when they are in your bladder or urinary tract. Everybody co-infects each other with these bacteria all the time every time they use a toilet. We are evolved to deal with it without incident normally.The time to be more proactive in ones hygiene is probably when you have noticeable pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, like when you have food poisoning diarrhoea etc, which can be deposited on seats handles etc. They don't last long outside the body because they are adapted to oxygen-poor environments. If you still feel angst, contact your doctor or an advice line that specialises in it. An STI one would be worth consulting too as they will see UTI's routinely.
  13. Technology is applied science a lot of the time, particularly these days..
  14. He just has and he is correct.
  15. What do you do with them? I put them on toast. They were in a tomato sauce.
  16. That's quite strict. I'm not sure what it's like in the UK with the authorities.
  17. Sardines use to be the emergency food I put in the cupboard for when I was skint as a youngster. They were dirt cheap. I didn't really like them but they shut my guts up when I had nothing else. .;) I do remember they were packed to the top and you'd get 3 or 4.
  18. We seem to be awash with fruitcakes atm. But with collective amnesia creeping in, as evidenced by the swelling ant-vaxxer community, we may well see it all come back.
  19. "You can fool some people... " 113 years is rather a long time to fool them.
  20. It's people reading what they want into what's said. At the end of the day, if you can't do the math's, you can't get the full story. As is often said "People don't know what they don''t know" and what they do know, they think is the limit of what is known rather than the limit of what they know. It's an intractable problem that only comes through self-realisation of ones personal limits... you can't drill it into someone.
  21. Yes, science is in a state of permanent flux or constant change. One can only say "At this point in time scientists think this or at that point in time they thought that".
  22. Why don't you just stop posting instead of being banned? Doing nothing is easier than doing something.
  23. Here's food for thought: swap the two leaders over so that Trump has the same autocratic power as Xi... you'd be looking at a Little Hitler. Xi handles it in quite a restrained manner considering.
  24. I think the best approach with a political adversary is to focus on the positives and particularly their actions. As a disinterested observer, America is not behaving very well with China... or Iran.
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