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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, it's quite a transformation really. The news is that Xi tightening his grip but, on the whole, I think it's getting better overall... there is dialogue. They could do a lot worse than have Xi. At least with the current situation and technology advancement, each country speaks for itself and you can see where they stand... this is a definite plus compared to pre-internet when the newspapers and television were all we had, which could be easily be controlled to disseminate the state mindset... this includes the Western world.
  2. Why can't you get SS as hard as tool steel?
  3. See below Or the people from popular uprising. Given our quite disastrous forays into regime change and the unforeseen consequences, I think it's best left to the principle that change must come from within. I think it's best to engage where one can with a long term adversary so that hostilities can be kept to a minimum and small, progressive steps can made.
  4. Yes. China needs to evolve at its own pace, which it is. Imagine what China would look like if their government fell over night. Evolution not revolution, methinks. Google has to respect the laws and sensitivities of each country.
  5. You know, I've been more interested in US politics than I have the UK's lately. It seems like it's more important atm. I do hope the Republicans lose their Senate majority in November.
  6. That joke has just clicked...DUH!
  7. Do you think the Democratic voters will be more fired up to vote than the Republican voters this time around?
  8. It took me a while to figure out why my repeatedly saved jpeg projects were going all blocky and pixally. I was using the graduated tool a lot and the gradations gradually became banded instead of smooth with each save in jpeg.
  9. I think you need to be mindful that Carney is a player in the game and, as such, will be acutely aware of the possible consequences of his words. It's not beyond the realms of a person like him to say what he did, fully aware of the possible outcome but played it differently. One may act or say in a way that appears contrary to what wants in order to steer things in what one thinks is a safer direction.
  10. Mark Carney, as Governor of the Bank of England, is independent of the government. He can only say what he thinks. He hasn't got a crystal ball. The difference between the America and British banking governors would be that if the British government had been pro-leave, he most likely, would have said exactly the same as he did then.
  11. Unless you have specific qualifications/experience on the subject under discussion, you are committing the fallacy of 'Argument from Authority', which basically means that just because one is good in one subject doesn't automatically qualify one to be good in another.
  12. This discussion is about veganism, which is an extremist dietary position... vegetarians do not qualify.
  13. No plant plant-based foods provide vitamin B12. Supplementary tablets are produced only by a specific bacterial process. We need this vitamin to avoid anaemia, amongst other important things. What this tells me is that we are evolved to eat and need animal products. Veganism is not natural behaviour... it's an arbitrary indulgence for the middle and chattering classes that have too much time on their hands.
  14. How did you work that one out from the information given? You are pulling stuff out of thin air, mate. My statistic spoke of the vegan part (500m) and, yes, half the women, who make up about half of the 500m, of whom the anaemic constitute a quarter of the the 500m. What I can't do from that information is to say what the total number of anaemic people is in India.
  15. Can't it be reasoned that finite is anything but zero, which is empty?
  16. You are not reading into it properly and I never said 500m are anaemic. We are talking about veganism.. let's stick to those that do it.
  17. Is the subject of the question not dependent on the branch of maths?
  18. No, ordinary salt is sodium chloride and you'll just end up with the same. There needs to borax present, which probably deposits differently from the sodium chloride in salt lakes
  19. How big is zero if it's finite?
  20. My point was that at least a quarter of those 500 million vegans you mentioned are anaemic, which supports what i said earlier about it being quite difficult to get a vegan diet complete for a healthy body. edit: corrected my numbers
  21. In India 51.4% of women in reproductive age between 15 to 49 years are anaemic. https://www.indiafoodbanking.org/hunger
  22. Why don't you write properly? It's like looking at a poo-splattered wall.
  23. In a meat-free world with no animal husbandry there would be more malnutrition than there is now. Being a vegan with a complete diet is an exercise that requires significant effort and the ingredients need to be continuously available and pretty local in terms of gaining advantage in carbon footprint.
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