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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Consciousness is too high-level a process for quantum effects to have any effect on our choices.
  2. With a few exceptions, life needs life to keep itself going.
  3. Why not learn what physicists have learnt by experiment instead of making it up?
  4. When you ask a question like that, you necessarily imply the presence of a higher consciousness/being that is able to make choices about our existence. If you don't think this then, I think, you are master of your own destiny and personal meaning, within the constraints of your circumstances.
  5. As any drunken one stand will tell you: what you find in the morning is not what you saw last night - we see what we want to see and ignore the rest. Don't put women on a pedestal; they are just as visceral and shallow as men but might hide it better. They also have their own terms for men. Note: this thread shouldn't be in Biology.
  6. This wants putting in Trash. It's got nothing to do with science or reasoned discussion.
  7. Neutrons and protons are bound by the strong interaction, which is a short range force. it is one of the four fundamental forces: strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravity.
  8. No Tooth Fairy then leaving sixpence under your pillow?
  9. Does it mean increasing the elements that create the protein as well as actually increasing that protein, depending on context?
  10. OK. But Putin has repeatedly denied interfering from the beginning... that's a fact. AFAICT all he's saying is he wanted Trump to win. i can't see why he would say he did interfere at their meeting. Methinks people are reading into it what they want. I like neither of these guys but I won't let my dislike colour what i see as the facts.
  11. I'm not aware of this. He said he wanted Trump to win but he made no efforts, that I've read, in that direction. Whether he did or not is another matter.
  12. You could download Fastone image viewer. Install it > Launch it > Select and open an image > Push the cursor to the right of the screen and a list of the image data will slide out. There is a menu on all 4 sides of the screen you can access. The top side shows all the photos in a folder.. The left side shows all the things you can do. http://www.faststone.org
  13. On Android, bring up the image and look for File Information in one of the menus.
  14. Potassium nitrate is one used for that.
  15. What do you want to use it for? That would help people to help you better.
  16. There should be a bubble trap under the bag. You might see bubbles go from the bag to the bubble trap.
  17. True, but where in the world are poor to modestly affluent folks represented? Power goes with wealth, unfortunately. It's a shame intelligence and wisdom isn't held in higher esteem in politics.
  18. You are on much sturdier ground with this. Forget about fertility.
  19. You've lost me.
  20. I think you would be on far better ground if you said "Religious people exhibit a higher birth rate", which doesn't have to be associated with fertility.
  21. But you said (in essence) religious people are more fertile and religious belief is a social reason
  22. But fertility is not a social reason. I'm wondering if your knowledge of English is letting you down.
  23. They might have more children per capita but that's a policy decision, or other social reason, not because of reproductive viability. If you persist with your argument, you need to tell us the physiological mechanism by which religion affects fertility.
  24. Just because two things occur together does not necessarily mean that one is the cause of the other. It could be but it shouldn't be assumed.
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