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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. From the point of view of the body, the contents of the digestive system are alien, and their processing and absorption into the blood stream is tightly controlled by first denaturing the contents and sterilising the bugs. By injecting anything directly into your bloodstream, you are bypassing those controls. In terms of functioning, the contents of the digestive system are actually outside the body... if that makes sense.... the digestive system tube is surrounded by protective mechanisms acting as gatekeepers.
  2. No, it was a quantum wave inversion in action.
  3. Google: 'trump idiot google bomb'.
  4. It is rigged. Duh.
  5. "Google Bomb is an orchestrated linking campaign that is aimed at creating a high search result for a Web page. Specific keywords are chosen to make a statement – political, humorous or otherwise – about the Web page that is displayed. When these keywords are entered as a search query, the targeted Web page becomes the top result."
  6. Clever innit? It intrigues me, from randomness we see the evolution of strategies.
  7. I understand gorse has flammable materials as a survival advantage. It has roots deep in the ground to survive its own bushfire and destroys all surrounding competitors. I think IIRC they have immortal cells. Rejuvenating kamikazi plant!
  8. Interesting. Otzi was a good find. Have you tried Gorse?
  9. You clearly know more about the practicalities than I do. What about natural cotton type stuff, or fur even or hair. This is in France.
  10. But the discovery does support the emerging idea that they likely weren't as thick as people presumed. Even if it just shows consistent efforts of them trying to make it. That was my main motive for posting.
  11. But did your stones show a consistent, singular direction of striking and along the optimal part of the tools/stones? The Silver Birch's silvery bark skin is pretty flammable when shredded and extremely common.
  12. Imagination is what puts you on the shoulders of giants to see further but first you have to know what they knew.
  13. I carefully put 'evolving' in my title, meaning is it heading that way?
  14. But 1.6m indigenous people have had their language demoted. This could be a part of a process of systematic attrition of their standing in Israel. This is what happened in Germany in the 30's... The 'final solution' didn't happen overnight. Be as sarcastic as you like.
  15. A semi-chicxulub event at some random place on the Earth. We don't have the will or the means to determine how it's done and be done fairly, so let chance and nature do it for us.
  16. You've only got two parties to choose from.
  17. What was wrong with Hitler wanting to preserve German culture from Jewish culture? Israel is killing the Palestinians that try to enter Israel. They have their own way of ethnic cleansing. Israel wants to be 'pure', just like the Nazis did. If it walks like a duck....
  18. You could have a universe within this one populated with particles that have weaker than neutrino-levels of interaction with this universe.
  19. Because they then become like 'the enemy', which springs right back to my OP.
  20. General question: When does a comment become anti-semitic and when is it just reasoned criticism? How do you exercise criticism of actions that are ideologically-based without being seen as anti-whatever group?
  21. Slavery was/is not the whole story though. What about all the acts of violent discrimination not covered by that act? Black people were still getting lynched in the 60's. Black people, as a collective, are reaching out and want to be equal in every aspect of society and playing by the same rules. This is in stark contrast to Jewish society which is still insular.... and some Islamic societies.
  22. I read a kind of public letter or lecture by Netanyahu from 2015 that had strong elements then of what has been decided now. Quite honestly, I think that Islamists and Jews have the same attitude and problems. They are both quite alien to Western sensibilities and vice versa and yet we treat Israel as philosophically the same. We treat Israel as though they are on our side but I don't think they are any more so than the Islamic nations. What I'm saying, is that Israel should be treated with the same degree of wariness. We are helping the Israelis, via supplying arms etc, against a nation that is no worse and no better than they are. As has been said, they can't play the victim card forever. They are going to have to be held accountable for their actions by the same rules as everybody else is held.
  23. I think that should happen... and then survey the damage to see what needs fixing.
  24. Perhaps I should have said "..equivalent to 7% oxygen".
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