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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Don't let the sealer spray droplets join up into a liquid film when you spray, as that is when it will run under the stencil. Do light sprays and each time going for an orange peel effect. In a nutshell, you are spraying each layer too heavily so that it can run... go for a more powdery spray effect. When it's all done and dried properly you can smooth the orange peel effect with a light sanding action with the green side of a washing up sponge or one of those green plastic scouring pads to give a satin finish.
  2. I found this method: The clear coat is thicker, so it wont bleed under the vinyl, then when the vinyl's removed, the clear coat won't allow the chloride to bleed passed the clear coat. You just might have to reverse how you make your stencil, whether it's a positive or a negative of your design. Seems like a workable solution. A rubber-faced roller might be useful to make sure the stencil edges are stuck firmly before clear coating
  3. You can give a man a book but you can't make him think. Besides those guys are about doing stuff, not thinking stuff. If they were interested, they'd be in it without being asked. Gates has his missions anyway.
  4. <sings> Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see.... (with apologies to Queen)
  5. I should have said the MW band(s) selected for cooking excite water. Pedant! They do go sparkly when there's sharp conductive points (metallic or carbonized food) present. This has been empirically confirmed by myself and the arc can break the glass platters.
  6. Yeah, that would be a way to do it and opening the door's a good idea.
  7. I would say give it 2 mins, leave it 2 minutes, then do it again. That should boil it off. I don't think you can overdo it because MWs excite water molecules and if there's no water it'll d0 nothing to the gel. Edit: Thinking about it, when you stop seeing steam coming off it would be the right tine to stop.
  8. It also suspected to cause increased visceral adiposity ('belly fat') compared to glucose.
  9. Phew!!! England nearly lost it there.
  10. I don't think what you've written is at odds with what I've posted, unless you've interpreted it differently in some way.
  11. The could issue a 'drama queen' card. That would soon stop it.
  12. Neymar's at it again with Mexico:
  13. I find this comment from physicist quite illuminating, from my link:
  14. It just says that the room for variation in certain physical constants is very narrow if things are to develop the way they did. On a philosophical viewpoint some might say that says the universe is teleologically-driven but I'm reminded of the 'puddle theory' by Douglas Adams. You might find this Wiki useful for exploring the different ideas from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine-tuned_Universe
  15. An English bookies, I noticed yesterday, put France and Brazil top then England
  16. Has he ever thought of available resources and serendipity giving an advantage to a group or particular groups over others. I think cooking increased caloric intake for less effort, for one example.
  17. That would be fun, with each team kicking off with a ball.
  18. It seems that fructose malabsorption is a function of over-consumption rather than an inherent fault in the colon. The fructose should be fully absorbed by the small intestine but is easily overloaded and excess fructose is carried to and metabolised by colon bacteria, which will produce gasses much faster than the usual slower-metabolised food constituents.
  19. Does there have to be a void? Cant'the 'edge' be the same as in an infinite universe, i.e. none, and it doesn't need to have an edge since the expanding space is created within the universe itself. Lots of loose ends there btw. My thinking: volume is a function of space and the volume of space with no occupants is zero, so, there is zero space around a finite universe. The point I'm trying to get to is there is no 'wall'... it's just absence of anything.
  20. Talking out of your arse is a lot easier than learning
  21. It wouldn't stop me but you might not get the right dosing.
  22. Yes, I see, like many things. you can't have loads of agility/liveliness without losing some stability or control. What would be the ideal properties of the glue. Do you want it as thin as possible, so that it doesn't interfere with the transmission of the strike from the rubber to the blade and back again, like remove any energy?
  23. We might have a member who's familiar with glues IIRC. You clearly know the standard stuff for your sport. Don't you have different rubber grades and thicknesses for different kinds of feedback? Is this discovery giving you a property you can't find with the standard tweaks?
  24. Do you have to be able to lift the glued surface off when required... you want to be able to replace the rubber layer when needed fairly easily?
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