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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Ask yourself: how do the hair follicles know how long your hair is when it's got dead ends? There might be a slight curve in the hole where the hair comes out, such that when it's short, it looks straight but if the you have it any longer then the spiral starts to show.
  2. Right. Moon Jae-in gets the real credit in my book. The way I'm seeing it is that KJU inherited the state his country is in and I'm tending to keep an open mind on his desire for friendlier relations rather than just looking totally into the past and forever holding him to it. If you want to change history something has to give and you have to say "Well, let's give this a chance". I think people get too personal - there are well carved out paths already made that people, up to now, are forced to follow - and the fact is Trump is currently playing on the world stage... what will be will be.
  3. Yes, Real have been quite short-sighted. All they've done this way is given an impression of underhand dealings
  4. I think it aids water retention in the muscles as well, which plumps them up. Once they stop taking them they go all flabby.
  5. Reading BBC article, it seems that Spain feels that his recent behaviour is out-of-order enough to justify potentially messing their world cup chances. They obviously see worse consequences if they ignored it
  6. It's hard to judge these things when they are contemporary. It needs the dispassionate light of history. That''s a plus.
  7. Being serendipitous doesn't mean 'by design'.
  8. Maybe he's just the serendipitous person for this particular job.
  9. I don't think its principles will ever be supplanted and any new theory that fills in its sub-atomic gaps must embody them. I did read recently that people were trying to see if they could use the CMBR as an absolute frame. I can't remember the outcomes and consensus on that.
  10. Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. That experiment was consistent for its time. In order to achieve what mistermack wants, you've got to throw away the central tenets of relativity.
  11. Would the Michelson-Morely experiment be an example?
  12. The byproducts of the body' are excreted in urine. Stuff goes through the alimentary walls into the bloodstream and any waste products gets processed by the liver and kidneys. Nothing is added to the faeces in the form of waste products that I'm aware of. All fasting does is give the gut bacteria a hard time, which is not a good thing, and it eventually makes your breathe stink because the bacteria are dying from lack of nutrients. The idea of "cleansing" your body is hogwash and fasting is actually a silly thing to do unless medically advised.
  13. You need to post it here or summarize it.
  14. You can't in logical tests because they are made in our image.
  15. Once you've mastered the 'how', maybe it's worth considering the 'why' to reinforce what you are doing. Bare facts gain little traction in your memory if you aren't comfortable with the underlying principles. The principles are like the branches of a tree which you can hang your bare facts on in the correct place. If you don't have the principles down pat your facts are arranged in mess and hard to find or just get lost.
  16. I don't know the answer to that.
  17. That''s when it will be just about be equivalent to a human mind. I think having an internal dialogue is a defining step...It should be able create a sense of self and be objective from there .
  18. Voyager 1 entered interstellar space in 2012.
  19. Do you know it's a foetal remnant and not an evolutionary one? Does that help?
  20. Swansont has a PhD in atomic physics and the Bohr model is so last century. It's now a curiosity from a time long since passed.
  21. If the expression of the digitised personality is indistinguishable from an organic brain, does it matter, since it would express everything that we do? Long time no see. Hope you are well.
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