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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. LOL! A quick and dirty explanation. An incoming photon will interact in a way with the molecule dependent on it's wavelength. If it's the 'wrong' frequency, it will pass through - like glass - or be reflected. If it's the 'right' frequency, it will be absorbed. When it's transmitted or reflected there is always a finite delay before it passes through or reflected. So, they do 'stick' for a brief time.
  2. Rough and ready will do me. Thanks.
  3. From red hot/melting iron temperature to that is a pretty big difference. Does the temperature drop in direct proportion to the acceleration of the expansion?
  4. Abiogenesis is the precursor steps leading to bacteria.
  5. Couldn't you dremel it in? That's really nice. Well done.
  6. Cheers. he can indicted when he leaves office, can't he? From what I've read so far, as head of the justice department he can't be indicted but he can be impeached. This is similar really to our monarch, she can't be tried for crimes because she is the authority all our major services act under. I'm glad, mostly, that our top authority is always from a long family line because they are trained from birth for the task.
  7. Looking like it coulld be bigger than Watergate... if I'm reading it correctly. What's your hunch, as a native, as to the likelihood of Mueller coming up with anything concrete on the main driver of his enquiry, the collusion? I notice Trump is trying his well-worn trick of distracting by throwing accusations of spying on his campaign.
  8. I think there's more to it than 3 simple colour choices, going by the options at this safety eyewear store below. The fact that the company you showed would send you a random colour would make me disregard them completely. You only get one set of eyes. http://www.vseyewear.com/store-laser/laser-safety-glasses/how-to-choose-laser-safety-glasses.html
  9. Why not just keep it to yourself and not say anything to anyone?
  10. Nearly everything is affected by the potential job losses/profit losses of a restrictive directive. The trouble with overt capitalism is that it encourages people to think they are little islands of autonomy with no collective sense of responsibility.
  11. Abiogenesis is the study of the emergence of life from chemical sources. The exact mechanism is not yet known but the principle is sound and scientific.
  12. Higher density and population of gas clouds by virtue of the universe being smaller?
  13. Right. I'll take it with a pinch of salt then and read around a bit more.
  14. This comes to mind;
  15. If the energy was free in the stars they'd never stop shining.
  16. No such thing as 'free energy'.
  17. I never suggested otherwise.
  18. I think quantum behaviour is far too low-level to affect the macroscopic signal patterns that are our thoughts. What happens in one atom is not likely to affect an ensemble of trillions of molecules transferring an electrochemical signal, of which many of those make up a thought or an action. It's not plausible.
  19. Exactly. But you can't know the future path of the bullet without knowing where it's come from.
  20. I think you need to see and understand the path you've trodden to know better where you can tread in the future. The weight of history pretty much dictates what will follow... it has momentum.
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