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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. What did they say? As a side note, not all bacteria are 'germs'; many are benficial to our well-being, even if only as a physical barrier to keep the bad boys out. Perfectly bacteria-free skin could create an opportunity for pathogenic organisms to get a foothold.
  2. Too bloody right, they block my signal. Besides, I see a business opening for chic, portable oxygen cylinders when the oxygen levels get too low.
  3. People are getting shot everyday in America, why should it not occur in schools? What makes a school special? The problem is endemic within all of America and whilst I'm writing someone else is getting shot, most likely.
  4. Raider's taking some voluntary time out for a while.
  5. Or HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle)
  6. Hammerite it. Job done.
  7. cheers.
  8. Thanks. Is this the relevant reason?: That article was quite good for me as it's defined some unfamiliar words that I've seen a few times but not understood..
  9. Is their range the size of the particle they make up?
  10. Yeah, I would have though somebody would have figured it out if it were possible.
  11. I think most of the UVC and higher gets stopped by the upper atmosphere and what there is can get stopped by polycarbonates and glass. The more energetic a photon is, the greater the chance of it interacting with something, which limits its distance.
  12. If I can find his speech I will post it.
  13. They want to keep Israel racially pure. Do you read anything I've written?
  14. In principle, it's directly equivalent. I'm not exaggerating for argumentative effect.
  15. This gets to the crux on Gaza: The behaviour of Israel reminds me of Nazi Germany; They want to maintain their 'purity'. Netanyahu said as much in 2015.
  16. Can you attack ferrous surfaces with a liquid acidic/alkaline compound that would create a layer impervious to water and air, like when lead or copper oxidize to a limit? Something that chemically creates a fine, dense layer.
  17. It's all our fault for thinking that petrol and matches can be kept together without incident in 1947.
  18. 51 killed on this day by the Israelis. My commiserations on having such a joke for a president.
  19. This is from the Reuters site. I find it really jarring and telling; the contrast. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-usa-protests-palestinians/israeli-military-drops-warning-leaflets-into-gaza-as-border-protests-build-idUSKCN1IF0M8
  20. Can you post the actual paragraphs or sentences they are used for us to get clues from the context?
  21. Cheers. So, it's the small distortions of the Earth's shape, exerted by the gravitational forces of the other bodies, generate friction within the Earth's structure?
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