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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I'll MAGA that. lol
  2. They can't all be Liz Cheney's... that takes balls. And there we have it, a black man capuitulating to a racist white man whose busy ripping the electoral eliligibility of a female child of Indian immigrants. Tmp is fkg scm.
  3. The irony is that I'm perfectly aligned with Rabbi Weiss. As he says, one shouldn't conflate Judaism with Zionism. Zionism is only hundred-odd years old. Weiss is internally consistent relative to the official Israeli BS we are fed and legally bound not to oppose. Terrorism and extremism labels are being directed at the wrong groups.
  4. Is considered an extremist. His telling of the history and when it started going awry was in the 1890's, which I independently assessed myself.
  5. Wow. They can't even listen to a 2.5 minute pop record, just the intro.
  6. Is there documented inverse correlations on relative attention span between pre-internet use and present day? edit: I should have added 'inverse' before correlations
  7. Isn't the general definition of normal behaviour that behaviour which is neither pathological to the subject, nor those around them? Social/cultural expectations being accounted for and distinguished.
  8. I used to think dyslexia was rather nebulous until I saw it with my own eyes. I literally saw some letters change on the page to the correct ones after initially misreading it.
  9. In the UK, I've only seen 0F twice that I'm aware of.
  10. Cheers Seth. It was hearing about the Patriot system taking out the Kinzal quite often that got me thinking about it. It was happening too often to just be luck.
  11. Some people don't have rubber spines, besides martyrdom is a laudable thing there. UK/US are starting to make the Houthis look good, who are sticking up for allies. I smell a propaganda disaster just around the corner for us. Is there substance to this comment by a Rep?:
  12. PaulsRocket. In QComs, entangled elements act as triggers to notify the sender and recipients that the entanglement has been broken, therefore the system has been interfered with. It is purely a cryptographic method and no data has been exchanged. It is sent classically. It's like sticking a piece of hair across a lid and a box to notify if somebody has been in it. Think of it as an alarm.
  13. Truth is for bibles, and proof is for mathematics.
  14. As long as the slower ground-based intercepting supersonic projectile is sufficiently forward of the incoming missile, it only needs to arrive at the same time, somewhere along the hypersonic missile's predicted trajectory. Is that correct?
  15. Your explanations on time over the years has always been internally consistent, in my opinion.
  16. iNow is a forcing in the evolution of letters. Alluding to another contentious conversation elsewhere: forcings are inherently the designers of what happens to mutations.
  17. Ask yourself: What is so special about time that we must agonize over it when every other measurement parameter never gets a second look?
  18. I condensed my thoughts as a series of questions I would like to ask the court:
  19. Atop the SC building: I think the original framers meant everybody. Why have it chiselled on the highest court in the land otherwise? That motto was meant to inspire confidence that everybody would be treated the same. If the president is not explicitly excluded, one can reasonably conclude that 'everybody' meant every person in the land. It was put up in 1912, but derives from an 1891 case: "The words "equal justice under law" paraphrase an earlier expression coined in 1891 by the Supreme Court.[7][8] In the case of Caldwell v. Texas, Chief Justice Melville Fuller wrote on behalf of a unanimous Court as follows, regarding the Fourteenth Amendment: "the powers of the States in dealing with crime within their borders are not limited, but no State can deprive particular persons or classes of persons of equal and impartial justice under the law."[9] The last seven words are summarized by the inscription on the U.S. Supreme Court building.[7]" - wiki Just in: WASHINGTON (AP) — With Donald Trump listening intently in the courtroom, federal appeals court judges in Washington expressed deep skepticism Tuesday that the former president was immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The panel of three judges, two of whom were appointed by President Joe Biden, also questioned whether they had jurisdiction to consider the appeal at this point in the case, raising the prospect that Trump’s appeal could be dispensed with on more procedural grounds. During lengthy arguments, the judges repeatedly pressed Trump’s lawyer to defend claims that Trump was shielded from criminal charges for acts that he says fell within his official duties as president. That argument was rejected last month by the lower-court judge overseeing the case against Trump, and the appeals judges suggested through their questions that they, too, were dubious that the Founding Fathers envisioned absolute immunity for presidents after they leave office. “I think it’s paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law,” said Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, an appointee of former President George H.W. Bush. https://apnews.com/article/trump-jan-6-special-counsel-immunity-appeal-64eec975e6a602949eb4b90315239318
  20. In the context of religion, a demand for faith is a demand for ideological tunnel vision.
  21. Makes a change from citing Galileo, I suppose.
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