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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think you are exactly right. Not long ago, I was reading on this site and saw a word change in front of my eyes on the screen when I realised that word didn't fit the sentence. Normally, I just see a word, then realise it's wrong and see the right word without the transitional stage. Weird experience but it just goes to show I see what I want to see. We are not passive receivers of signals but we interpret them and then construct a reality from that.
  2. Yep, that horse has bolted. I think it'll be a case of empirically-based regulation; mistakes will be made then regulation will be brought in. When you think about the current privacy issues, this is the last frontier in terms of privacy loss. I'll be dead by then. I think for the older generation - 40's up - we are used to a certain way of thinking and this technology has issues which are anathema to us but future generations will be brought up with it from birth and won't know any different.... big brother having access to every detail of your life and body will just be accepted.
  3. Sometimes it's better for 'God to play dice' than it is for us to play God.
  4. The question could be put as: is eugenics a good idea?
  5. Does gravity have anything to do with maintaining your position in the air wrt the Earth as well, being centripetal?
  6. This is correct.I was going to post as such. You don't know what you are talking about and your understanding of the words you use is seriously wanting.
  7. NATO intervened because Bosnian serbs were committing ethnic cleansing of Bosnian muslims; genocide.
  8. The leader should carry the can really and get shot at but you are right, unfortunately. If I was boss, I'd have a team of assassins just for them... the enemy foot soldiers are blameless, by and large. Before your time, but it was really acutely obvious in the Falklands conflict... the Argentine soldiers were quite happy to surrender to the UK forces eventually. It wasn't their war and they were ill-equipped. "Forward! He cried, from the rear, as the front rank died" - Sums it up.
  9. I've been reading the online Japan Times for a while and they do think differently in many ways... some are better and some aren't but they do celebrate nature in a bigger way than we do.
  10. That's the closest point we can get to the moment of the big bang and then GR doesn't work.... beyond that is an infinity, as Mordred said.
  11. I think the water will carry the heat away as it's heated.
  12. The military top brass are the ones with the knowledge and the politicians follow their advice on which options are best.
  13. I think we'll have to see. I'm sure you're familiar with Russia's antics elsewhere and this is probably as much about them as Assad; this maybe the theatre where those issues become focussed militarily. The NATO plan won't be to take out Assad because I think they would use boots on the ground for that, .
  14. Missiles need to be dropped where those bombs are being made/stored and air runways pot-holed but I'm sure our military have better ideas.
  15. Syria has committed more than 50 chemical weapons violations in 7 years. There has to to come a point when you say "No more". It looks like that time is near. What will be, will be.
  16. No. 10-43 seconds from the singularity condition; a Planck time after.
  17. Assess each person according to their individual abilities. Treating any group in a blanket way does a disservice to those that can.
  18. When might that occur?
  19. Yes, it is rather ephemeral. You walk along the philosophical path, only to often forget where you've been.
  20. It is within the realms of philosophy.
  21. I think that only happens on the first day. You should be ok now.
  22. Yes,it is interesting, but as CharonY says: I am still working on a riposte.
  23. Cool. This link is not behind a paywall: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7674/a8c3fd0032492ff794643df1b55627ddd9b1.pdf
  24. That would be interesting.
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