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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Given the current controversies over data retention and leakage, I think this idea is too early before the security methods and protocols are sorted and accepted to be reasonably secure. This won't work in a universal care system because everyone is treated the same. It's a recipe for discrimination on the part of the insurance suppliers.
  2. I do. I use it a bit like wiki, which gives me a general outline and it gives me ideas for pursuing things deeper elsewhere, if I need to. It''s not FOS anyway.
  3. Here's a wiki explanation. Perhaps someone here can elaborate on it. I've bolded the part I think needs explaining:
  4. You should use WebMD as a general medical resource not as a place for a diagnosis... it can only tell you the possibilities, if you use it that way.
  5. Those are the thoughts of the Republican half of that committee. The Dems on that committee are not happy at all.
  6. There can't be.This Reuters report is one example.
  7. At first, i thought you were talking about Printed Circuit Boards.
  8. It probably has the highest risk of being used as a bioweapon, if one was ever going to be used.
  9. AFAIK only research workers working on the virus get vaccinated now. The last case was in 1978 was when a lab researcher caught it.
  10. Fred must be having a bad day. It happens.
  11. Yes, mine is the wrong way. Mine is like the bottom one but I would like one like the top one.
  12. Even some Republicans have a limit to the cock and bull they can stomach, it seems.
  13. Can a mod insert the correct spelling.in the title.. I've got my spelling-nazi head on.
  14. It's not exactly old and it will be still under patent, So I doubt you''ll get better information than from the company
  15. Or maybe it's because they do information control really well.
  16. If only we were young again and knew everything.
  17. The SDS for TiO2 suggests, to me, possibly an occupational hazard in the pure powered form but not an acute one. Any airborne particulate is a potential physical obstructant to the lungs.
  18. Some things require effort on the part of those that want to understand. Those that do understand didn't haven't it handed to them on a plate. "It should be made as simple as possible but no simpler" - Einstein
  19. Change has to come from within. At the end of the day, the population of an oppressed country are complicit in allowing it to happen. sometimes you've got lay your life on the line for what you believe in. External interference just makes a mess; look at Iraq. One thing we could do though is start getting quality information to the oppressed populations so that they are correctly informed about the state of things in their country. I was thinking something along the lines of infiltrating their mass communications with satellite transmissions and the like. Information is power. China, Russia, N. Korea etc do their damnedest to keep control of the movement of information.
  20. But an abstract idea from a neophyte is not usually useful. It gives me visions of monkeys and typewriters,
  21. Yes, the so-called ''trickle down'' fallacy.
  22. Why are you conflating doctors with billionaires?
  23. Sounds like arrogance to me.
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