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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. it sounds like he''s committed himself so much to being wealthy, all he can see is to be more wealthy... it is its own end. A bit sad really.
  2. Picture yourself inside the expanding universe, not outside of it. The emergence of all things during the BB is happening everywhere around you. The light that is billions of light years away from you is heading towards you and the light that originates from your position is heading to someone billions of light years away. It''s important to realise that the BB did not have a position; it's the whole universe at all times during its expansion. Picture a 4x4 grid of dots, then picture the distance between each adjacent dot increasing... that's expansion. Also, picture each dot as a light source and you will see that light is coming at each dot from the other dots. It takes time, billions of years even, to receive signals from other parts of the universe to us and from us to everywhere else.
  3. Probably search engine bots that up the numbers so high, when they are crawling websites for info.
  4. Most of their neurones are in their tentacles. They can act independently, even when severed. This may give the impression they are really intelligent because they appear to be multitasking.
  5. I thought that's what mass is: the force required to move something. That's why balances can measure mass but spring scales can't.
  6. If you feel bad, think how Donald Trump's going to feel... he's got more skeleton's than a grave yard. I really feel you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  7. May be the November elections will help stem the damage a bit with more Dem seats. Yes, I think there is going to be some serious bipartisan autopsies at some point, post-Trump.
  8. It's interesting how so many people go straight to the bleeding edge of scientific knowledge, not realising that it probably takes 30 years plus to understand it to a level that you could add to it... and that's if you are a prodigy.
  9. It's good to see the system trying to stay stable through Trump's shennanigans. If Trump's presidency is revealing anything, it's giving a good view of how the US government and connected agencies work and where the lines of autonomy are between them. I do hope Mueller survives long enough and presents the full unvarnished details.
  10. Probably means denature.
  11. But that's a subjective opinion. You need another person to confirm that you don't know that you don't know. One data point is not enough.
  12. It'll be up to the kids to try and change it.
  13. Don't you think science is hard enough without making it up?
  14. Sounds like a cable blown and it's hot... that's why there's no snow there. Does anyone else here think that? I'm thinking you should get in touch with your power company.
  15. Is there any services passing under that spot?
  16. Yes, but there's no point in chasing rainbows.
  17. The fidelity of our description of the universe improves with experience but we can never know it absolutely because we and it are constantly evolving.
  18. The best we can do is measure separately and see if our results agree. That's why I said it's an intersubjective consensus. We can use the word 'measure' meaning ''to observe'.
  19. Here's a 24kWh battery for cars. It's about $14000. It's probably got about 4000 18650 batteries in it. Think about the problems of getting rid of the heat in the middle of that box. It's a serious engineering exercise.
  20. Best we can hope for is to have an intersubjective consensus.
  21. They do in electric vehicles; there's a few thousand single Li-ion cells in them. I've no idea on the specifics.
  22. I think your error is in your conception of the mechanism of the BB as an explosion from a point, out into a pre-existing space. Wherever you are in the universe, evidence from the BB is moving towards you. The BB, and expansion itself, is happening everywhere where gravitational attraction is weaker than the force of expansion.
  23. A fundamental property of absolute truth, I would think, is that it is constant in all cases.
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