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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think it's the most neutral one, even than the BBC , which has its little pet agendas.
  2. Right. I ask because I want to know how closely my news sources - BBC, Reuters and Japan times - reflects what Americans are seeing. What's the most neutral news site your side of the pond? I prefer mainly text than video.
  3. I see Walmart is raising the age now to 21, so maybe there is something happening. What do you make of Trump's latest comments regarding this? He seems to be wanting that kind regulation wrt to a minimum age and mental health. Do you think he''ll back flip?
  4. It is not the function of science to help people to fame, fortune and glory... you've got to earn it by your own efforts or with those who choose to work with you. More realistically, if I present an idea, it is with the desire to have it tested under adverse questioning to see if it stands up to peer scrutiny... it's called 'peer review'.
  5. I'm talking about a physical spin there, not quantum spin.
  6. Charges are created by spinning objects. Electrons have charge but they can't spin fast enough i.e faster than the speed of light, for their size to generate the degree of magnetic moment that they do... it's much bigger than is allowed for their size but it's there as a fact. The consequence of this is that they have to call it intrinsic angular moment because it's there, even though they can't fully explain how it does it. The 'spin' is an integral part as much as the mass of the particle. I might need correcting on this but I think it has to have spin because it has charge.
  7. The impulse created by the photon interacting with a receptor. He could've easily just said 'signal'. It's not too difficult to work out what he meant.
  8. The brain does some serious photoshopping. We have a blind spot in each eye with no receptor cells there and we never notice them normally because our brain photoshops a continuation of whatever is around the blind spot into it.
  9. You mean a false correlation genetically that should actually be attributed to nurture?
  10. Intelligence is not a single gene, so I doubt it.
  11. I think one thing that has been missing is consumer activism, which there seems to be some signs of now. Like was said before, only a third or less households possess guns but the gun lobby has been louder.
  12. Do you this action will help any momentum towards overall gun safety if shops act like this one?
  13. A clock is anything used to measure time... I would say.
  14. In the formation of water the calorific value of hydrogen has been spent, hasn't it?
  15. Yeah, you can type powercfg.exe /hibernate off in Command Prompt then press Enter. The great boon with W10 now is you just type anything you want to access in the search box in the task bar.
  16. i thought they would pop up again on reboot, they are only temporary folders. I know computers are your thing, so I won't argue too much. you can turn it off > reboot > turn it on again. Probably the safest way. http://www.techentice.com/delete-pagefile-sys-in-windows-7/
  17. Yes but they'll be remade again when you reboot but they will be empty at the start..
  18. When sanding to a finish, stand by the work sideways and push along the grain, with a view to raking out the grain, in the same motion and posture you use a hand plane. Don't stand fully facing the work because you can only sand in an arc that way and will scratch across the grain. which reduces the clarity of the grain relief when you put finish on
  19. Red oak sees to be slightly softer and seems to have a warmer hue than white oak. Nice.
  20. If a person has a PhD (usually) relevant to the paper they have written and it has passed the peer review process, it is not an argument from authority, it's an argument from evidence... it's the best there is available. Swansont has defined correctly what it means. You don't get to redefine the consensus meaning of things. Consensus is important because then everybody knows when another scientist uses specific terms, others know exactly what those terms mean, in the context used.
  21. From what you have said so far, if you lived in the UK, you personally wouldn't notice much difference or feel inhibited by our gun regulations because your use and style of guns is permitted and common in the UK. The only difference is that acquiring the necessary licence and subsequent police oversight is a more set procedure. Two of my brothers have shotguns and high power gas guns and they pretty much do what you do. As far as home defence goes, I think any UK firearm owner will pull his gun on an intruder., particularly those that live in the countryside.
  22. Right-click on image at website > Click Copy image address > Click Insert other media (bottom right of input panel) > Click insert media from url > Paste address The image shows when I do the above but disappears when I save it. It might be google blocking it. Try another source.
  23. I learnt as well. If you want to not do it that way, this is useful info... might take a read or two to sink but it makes sense.
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