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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Too paranoid about a trickle becoming a flood.
  2. But that behaviour would be consistent with being 'armed and ready' in the event of a home invasion.
  3. PPI is pixels per inch. 300ppi is photographic quality where the individual picture elements are invisible from a certain distance, so 650ppi is more than twice as good for resolution. It's a bit pointless/superfluous but hey, mine's bigger than yours. On a sensor, rather than display, higher ppi/dpi is good because it means you can magnify the image more before the resolution becomes apparent.
  4. Both comments were useful.
  5. It was the first one. Cheers.
  6. Do you have a bias in favour of any of those ideas?
  7. I think this is historical reason why they exist in many people's minds; to explain unknown things.
  8. But they don't fullfil all the current criteria, which is arbitrary anyway and possibly subject to change at some point. Like Strange says, it's not likely binary. If you think about abiogenesis, that's not a binary process either, so there is actually a precedent for things being on a continuum of classification from non-living to living, with viruses and prions somewhere in between.
  9. Randolphin is just showing his ignorance of BB physics and the limitations of General Relativity. It's a classic case of a god filling in the gaps.
  10. This quote is part of an argument why viruses do not represent lineages but includes a description of what endy was saying. The information in the link is interesting
  11. Yes, It's hard on everything. Buy your pieces as clean as you can afford.I wouldn't cheap out and get rougher stuff with a view to sorting it out. If you want the medullary rays it needs to be quartersawn. Here's a sample page on the type of cuts: https://www.thefurnituremarket.co.uk/what-is-a-medullary-ray-in-oak-furniture The other thing to think about is will you be filling it for a shiny finish or going for the rustic look where the grain is in relief; farmouse table style. Oak is open-pored compared to other woods. TBH, I think, unless you are going for the rustic look, it's going to be very hard work, for you and your equipment. It's my favourite looking wood but it takes muscle and patience to work with. Oak is more akin to working with metal than wood. White oak is 30% harder than black walnut. Notice that cherry is one below walnut and cherry is spot-on to hand sand -walnut should be as well. If you are going for the burr walnut look, rather than straight-grain, you have to sand with the grain with each little section... this is a very patient job as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janka_hardness_test
  12. Because the Republican solution inspires those comments from us. There's no arguing with stupid.
  13. 16 is the minimum age, conditional on parental consent, here.
  14. Oak is a lot harder on your stamina to finish. I used to sand the stuff by hand as one of my past jobs. Have plenty of aluminium oxide paper. Cherry is the nicest to work with. I used to get a beautiful lustre just sanding with 120.
  15. Just because it's not going your way.
  16. OK. Has your mum always been around that BMI?
  17. Are you both skinny? I'm about 28 atm. My weight has been piling on... been lazy. TBH, I'm enjoying the novelty of being overweight because for most of my life - I'm 56 - I've been super skinny - 60Kg - but being cured of hep c and giving up smoking has altered things substantially to the point I'm currently 88Kg.
  18. "We've got a fire" "Uh... put some petrol on it"
  19. My pleasure. To emphasise its relationship to weight, i found this: http://www.obesity.org/content/weight-diabetes You might find this useful: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/index.html
  20. Keeping your weight down should reduce your risk.
  21. I think it's utterly disgraceful the way Trump is talking about him. This guy is probably going to be affected for the rest of his life without that coming at him as well. I think his inaction illustrates what most people would do without the kind of stress-tolerance training that armed response units have. If an ordinary policeman acts likes that, what is a teacher going to do?
  22. Acceleration is a vector i.e it has two components consisting of magnitude and direction. It should be clear , because the direction is always changing in that situation, that the frame is accelerating and not inertial, which requires that there be no acceleration.
  23. i think the maths and science on wiki is usually pretty good and one can always check the references in the lower half.
  24. Is putting numbers to something not quantitative?
  25. Aww c'mon, a kid's gotta have some fun.
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