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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    I notice the FBI are getting flak now. Is it justified or is it just deliberate deflection from the issue by parties who don't want things to change; turning them into the fall guys? It seems to me like 'hindsight is a wonderful thing' and, actually, people are getting shot every day, so how are the FBI expected to see through the noise.
  2. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    'self-reinforcing', that's what I was looking for. Yes, it's got the same inbuilt momentum as drug addiction; the worse it gets, the more you need. A lot of people can't see the forest for the trees any more.
  3. Cheers. I wasn't trying to give a comprehensive answer in my first post (i couldn't anyway) but was just trying to get him to see the general, schematic idea of how photons move through a transparent material with just one type of interaction.
  4. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    The worse it gets, the more they think they need them.
  5. You are full of (sh)it
  6. And your talking point is... ?
  7. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    If it functions the same as an assault weapon it's an assault weapon... if it walks like a duck... I can't believe you would argue over such a trifle.
  8. Look at the possible combinations N = Normal height and A -Achondroplastic : Man A and N Woman A and N A x A = Achondroplastic and won't survive A x N = Achondroplastic N x A =Achondroplastic N x N = Normal Express the frequency of each type as a % .of the total crosses.
  9. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    The only plausible scenario I can think of is to shoot people.
  10. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    Do you support their view?
  11. Eise is too nuanced for most but with his keenness for proper philosophy, it's not surprising because it requires delineating subtleties of language and closely related concepts, which is what's happening here and people are struggling with.
  12. Here's a more formal description of it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparency_and_translucency
  13. It's to do with photons being the right energy, or wavelength, to excite an electron enough to move up to the next energy shell in the atom. If it does, then the photon is absorbed. . In this case, the medium the photon encountered would be classed as optically opaque. If the photon energy is insuffucient i.e. wrong wavelength, the photon will be momentarily absorbed and then ejected onto the next electron it encounters, which will be repeated until it passes through the other side. If you shone a pure UVC wavelength - no other light around - at a piece of glass and you took a uv-sensitive photo on the other side, the photo will be black because all the UVC photons have been absorbed. So, to UVC, glass is opaque but transparent to visible light. It depends on the wavelength what is 'transparent' or not.
  14. In the case of this latest boy, his adoptive mother died in November. If he has lost his parents/caregivers twice, including an unsettled carer period in his critical toddler years that will probably adversely affect his development of empathy.... to name one. This is borne out by his long-term inability to form positive relationships with his school mates. I think this is not a case of evil per se... the same with that Dylan lad.
  15. The problem only arises when you think ofthe expansion as an explosion from an origin.
  16. As I said to Moon earlier, I was making an educated guess and would always defer to CharonY. He is much more well-versed in this subject than I am. If Arete chimes in. this is his field. CharonY may be coming across as a bit vague to you and not giving a resolute presentation but that is the state of current knowledge.
  17. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yep. That covers it. Cheers.
  18. StringJunky

    Yay, GUNS!

    Fun fact: there's been more than 1500 mass shootings since this thread started. Does the distribution in this map suggest anything; it seems very biased to the eastern half? The map is this year...so far
  19. There are losses in any closed system - friction will cause losses dissipated as heat, for example.
  20. Right, but not all wolf populations would show it, would they? I'm not saying this with any degree of confidence but it seems to make sense to me.
  21. To OP: If we take a population of dogs and analyse their DNA and then do the same with wolves, I think you would find DNA evidence of wolves in all dogs but not the other way around; not all wolves carried the mutation which led to dogs, so we can surmise, with a high degree of confidence, that dogs came after wolves.
  22. Science doesn't do proof, it can only say something is likely with some degree of probability, which can be expressed mathematically.
  23. It's probably not how it's cooked but how long it's cooked, which may break down the cells more completely, which may increase the available nutrients and raise the GI. Instant mash granules will likely have all or more of the cells broken than whole potatos, which allows faster uptake of the nutrients and, hence, a higher GI.
  24. Right. However you do it, if you are diabetic, let your resultant blood sugar levels be your guide on how much to have. I think someone with Type 1, like iNow, has a pretty good idea of the do's and don'ts.
  25. From what I've been reading there doesn't seem to be a massive difference. From this article, it seems you can eat it but have to make adjustments in the total carbs for the day. Is that right, so it's all about working to a constant carbohydrate budget?
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