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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Right. Cheers.
  2. I am reminded of an expression someone wrote: the pursuit of perfection is the enemy of excellent.
  3. Is the lack of information just due to the fact that the red-shifted wavelength is too long for us to currently detect and, consequently, as technology improves our Hubble horizon will increase in size?
  4. They can make them down to 10T TNT. Here's a video of a W54, with a 10-1000KT yield, going off at 18T:
  5. His has turned into 1 now but yours is a cucumber.
  6. Cheers. Upon giving you a rep it is green and zero. Never seen one of those before.
  7. Would you say the purest research one might do is during an MSc/PhD? But the only trouble is you don't get paid.
  8. Bitcoin is made from the same material that the king's new clothes are made from.
  9. Also, i would say if you have views that are way off-centre in terms of the general membership you can expect more. it doesn't make those people necessarily right, it's just their opinion. If you are firm and honest about your opinions take the flak. I kind of know what's going to rattle people but I still post because non-scientific discussions are often necessarily adversarial and emotive. I counter what are, I think, unjustified negatives as well. Don't attach too much weight to positive rep as they are often given for the most frivolous of reasons and I do too.
  10. You could pm a mod to see if their is a vendetta going on by a single poster.
  11. Talk about Pot calling Kettle. Women; just can't keep their hands to themselves.
  12. The actual delivery vehicle dimensions will remain the same, as will the physics package inside which is the bomb itself. By 'smaller', they mean in terms of explosive yield... the area of destruction will be less. They can dial in different yields with the same physics package within limits. I think the current lower limit is about 3000 Tonnes of TNT equivalent, up to 400 000 Tonnes TNT.
  13. A similar situation here. Greys are aliens from the US and they displace the reds.
  14. I was kidding. Grey squirrels are a menace and quite destructive.
  15. That's quite possible that i mixed up. Yes, I would think it started later.
  16. I'm on about using milk products in Europe and Cheddar man is British. I've lost the article for that figure but this one puts it at a bit less: 7200 - 6800 years. The souring of milk was important to convert the lactose to lactic acid which allowed people in Europe to consume vitamin D and not rely so much on sunshine.
  17. It's mental a first world nation not having it. But that's America.
  18. I used to go fishing at night in winter and I know it's condensation from your breathing. You could do with a little extractor fan and a window open a little. At a minimum I think you want two points that are slightly open to allow air to move in and out, preferably one at each end of the interior or even just one. each side
  19. The genes for green/grey/blue eyes would have already been there for it to be selected. In northern latitudes, dark skin was probably a disadvantage with regards to vitamin D formation and probably caused all sorts of health problems/disadvantages, and those born with lighter skin were adapted better and, as such, healthier/more competitive for resources and mating opportunities but, apparently, the important trigger may have been increasing lactose tolerance brought about by the advent of farming with dairy produce which allowed a dietary source of vitamin D to be consumed. Put those two factors together the selection veered strongly in favour of lighter skin. Farming started about 8000 years ago, hence why I said it would be another 2000 years from Cheddar Man.
  20. Skin colour didn't start changing to a lighter tone until about 2000 years later. Great piece of modelling.
  21. I had one... somewhere... but it's gone now. I'm only reminded because I read this.
  22. That's a definitive statement when it hasn't happened yet.
  23. I'm sure the coming days will reveal his intentions. My point though is, in principle, it need not be a bad idea.
  24. Memorial Day would be ok because it's about sacrifice but Independence Day would be a celebration of victory and war over someone else. I was thinking more along the line of an Armed Services Day to allow the country to say 'thank you'.
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