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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I looked into this, then forgot about it. You need something like a microporous polyethylene membrane to filter it out.
  2. I think the weak points are at the ends i.e. the devices. The actual delivery is secure AFAIK. Signal is the big brother of the Whatsapp version.
  3. FTFY
  4. That's why i suggested cutting the main boughs right back; to see if it initiates anything.
  5. I've pruned a lot of trees and that's an awful job. It's been done with no thought to how it's going to recover and grow from there. Based on not knowing what is and also considering giving it a chance, I would cut all those boughs to within 50cm of the trunk and then monitor it. It may sprout new shoots and may develop a compact canopy. BUT looking at the old wounds on it and its apparent age, I think it's ruined. As it is, I think it will always look a scraggly mess. It was too late really to start something like that on a tree that age. This is just my opinion.
  6. Does it flower? If so, what colour?
  7. Do you know what it is?
  8. Apparently, our eyes can detect single photons better than chance. About 1 in 9. Only on the rods and just as brief flashes.
  9. I thought it was foreign.
  10. See my post.
  11. Storm in a teacup.
  12. Lost in translation. By 'emerging' , do you mean submerging seeds (in the water) or germinating them?
  13. Yes,I think, fortunately, that stuff is outside of his skill set.; that ignorance may have helped the Canadian plane firm Bombardier who were threatened with a 300% tariff.
  14. Moon added a '0'.
  15. They used more techniques that backed each other up. Basically, advances in dating methods pushed it back.
  16. You still absorb information from your surroundings whilst asleep from tactile, olefactory and audio sensors which can be used as parts of a dream narrative.
  17. In the same parts of the brain that you 'see' wakeful stuff; the input during sleep is from memories and other senses.
  18. I agree with Strange, your brain made a dream out of the incident that was occurring at that point in time. I had a dream of trying to swim up to the surface from a depth as fast as I could and when I woke up I was busting for a pee.
  19. Yeah, everything is just fields, Man.
  20. 'Logical' meaning "it makes sense to me".
  21. Is someone 'intelligent' who says what you want to hear?
  22. Yep, you only have to look at someone with something like dementia, who was once perfectly lucid, to see that mind and brain are one. Take various psychoactive drugs and one can clearly see that the mind emerges from biochemical processes when we interfere with those processes with those chemicals. No mental gymnastics are necessary, which is necessary when mind and brain are seen as distinct. I think it boils down to people not wanting to die and a separate metaphysical mind permits the comforting possibility of continuity after physical death.
  23. Gary Numan - Down in The Park Live
  24. This is one problem with the internet: problems are magnified beyond the probable reality.
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