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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. There can also be bias in what they cover, or not. The things that the editorial team cares about can give certain subjects more coverage; influencing by exposure or omission.
  2. Every broadcaster/publisher is biased to someone because it's all relative to their own position. If you don't sense any bias then that's where you naturally lean. Don't you think?
  3. Yep, I usually start off with Maintainance before correcting.
  4. Probably the best we can do is know how it could have happened because to know how it did happen would be to know reality, which ain 't gonna happen.
  5. Yes. Bear in mind, there will likely be plenty of chemical pathway models but we here are just not conversant in them.
  6. Well, you've either got that (chemically) or God did it
  7. Abiogenesis is the study of how life arose and it's based on chemical pathways.
  8. You're a bit slow replying... about 5 years
  9. Fortunately, that is now falling out of the hands of US businesses with the controls being taken over by Asian concerns. I specifically follow eastern Asian news, along with western stuff, now and they are moving fast.
  10. Whether it's here or there, it's still abiogenesis. The geography is a minor detail compared to understanding the underlying mechanism.
  11. I agree with that absolutely. It is paramount that we do. The thing is, people are saying we should have done this decades ago but the means to do so is only now emerging into feasibility. The only way it could have been done it before was large-scale nuclear but, apart from France, no one was interested or influential enough to get it done.
  12. Hand skills are always useful for in situ modifications.
  13. I find myself lost now. Can someone fill me in? Regardless of the motivations of the fossil energy industries they have been essential to the functioning of the world up until some point in the foreseeable future. With the NY case, I see the hand that has fed them with the means to fuel society for 100-odd years now being bitten. It seems to me that people are losing sight of the wood for the trees.
  14. Perhaps the long term solution is more towards decentralized power generation as large capacity storage becomes feasible and affordable.
  15. Right now, people need fossil fuel. Conflating one essential product with a non-essential one is not a good choice. Don't for one second think I'm supporting the oil companies that they need to survive.
  16. Scorpions - Always Somewhere When The Smoke is Going Down
  17. I'm guessing what you call a focal lens is movable to allow variation in the focal point.
  18. This article might get you on your way. It involves pre-irradiating with cobalt-60, it seems before heating. Probably have to send them away to be done with that first. https://www.gemsociety.org/article/treating-quartz-color/
  19. i think also it depends on the target audience whether they use acronyms straight off the bat or not without prior indication. I think, in most professional circumstances, the tendency is towards abbreviation which becomes part of the standard lexicon of that industry
  20. Perhaps the crux of the problem there is how politicians campaigns are financed and what they are expected to do once in power in order to preserve their position or advance still further. You need big bucks.
  21. The oil companies are shareholder-driven entities that want to see growth and profit. We cannot expect them to act against their own financial interests. It's up to the alternative energy suppliers to create products, and in sufficient supply, that renders the need for oil unnecessary, and then for the consumer to buy those. Democratic governments cannot ordain policy like Xi can. China's got a head start really because it can fast track policies. My approach to pollution and energy is purely pragmatic.
  22. Yes, I know all that but we still need energy and if the alternatives can't yet supply current demand we need to use the mucky stuff. As long as the pressure is pushing for change and innovation, and production is going as fast as it can we'll just have to live with the current situation. The goal has been set to rid of petrol/diesel cars in the next 20-30 years by China and Europe IIRC. The only way it can happen quicker is to have a single, global, totalitarian government. We need someone like Xi Xinping to rule the world for a few decades. Yes, going on the road ups my carbon monoxide levels by 2-3 times in less than 15 minutes. At least there isn't lead in it now. Maybe these cases in NY will facilitate faster progress in innovation.
  23. I'm going to sue the ass off all you internal-combustion engine drivers for polluting the air I breathe. You drivers create the demand that the oil companies supply. This sort of litigation is too early in the game when there aren't sufficient alternatives to supply demand.
  24. You've made a blanket statement and it's wrong. A black person in a white racist area needs to practice risk mitigation and all the other people that have minority features or behaviours. In fairness to who?
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