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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. No it doesn't. Being black, being gay , being transgender, etc and in the wrong place etc.
  2. But they are directed, by their chemical natures, which are innate and repeatable across each type of chemical entity, like atoms, molecules etc. The stochastic part is the probability of collisions occurring.
  3. See, even you can't spell it. (I know, you do it the American way)
  4. Yeah, that's a pain. What are the alternatives?
  5. What words catch you out where you have to check? I have a problem remembering 'manoeuvre' and 'rhythm' for two.
  6. I was picturing several manoeuvres involving changes of velocity but that picture clarifies it. Cheers.
  7. That begins at home with the parents. They are the ones instilling the fundamental attitudes. The first branches define the tree.
  8. I think it might be best to knock this thread on the head. It is wise to know when the discussion is deadlocked. Everybody's said their piece and merely reiterating their position.
  9. i think you only get a limited number of retries on the newer phones. Another thing i learned is that just because each country's secret service may have laws limiting their right of access to their fellow citizens data doesn't mean their fellow conspirator countries can't and then share the data with them. Like the US can tap the UK and share with GCHQ what they've reaped on UK citizens and vice versa. The respective services can follow the letter of the law of the country and still get what they want from their partners.
  10. it's a largely smutty paper littered with plenty of fake news, mixed with the normal stuff presented in a usually biased way. I don't doubt the project you reported on though. What would the delta V be like at that speed?
  11. Piece of you-know-what. I'm lambasting your source.
  12. I'll forgive you because you are American but that paper is a POS tabloid. Note this quote: "It is expected to operate for seven years orbiting the hottest star in the solar system."
  13. Yes, that is one instance where victim blaming is not an option. Unfortunately, It seems that many stepparents make terrible carers of children not related to them. I have been victim to the Cinderella Effect too. It can mark you for your whole life. I do associate regret with poor personal choices rather than as the actions of others though.
  14. You could use plastic covers that sit on the edge of the plate over the food until it is served to keep the heat in.
  15. I think that fails to work if there is a complete vacuum inside.
  16. Yes, it is interesting. I didn't know it as that, I had to look it up but I knew photon pressure was a real phenomenon. It's also the cause of the Pioneers anomaly that slowed them down as they left the solar system. Their net thermal emissions were in the direction of travel.
  17. Yes. Yarkovsky Effect.
  18. A Japanese Kiridashi knife is designed for that job. It is composed of a hard thin plate, which holds the sharp edge, laminated to a softer main section for strength. A jack plane or bigger will get across the undulations on longer pieces. Also, look into Japanese pullsaws as well because they make hand sawing effortless with extremely clean edges. By pulling the thin blade always stays rigid in the cutting direction and the kerf is much thinner than with a push saw. I'm a big fan of Japanese tools. Here's an article on them. The Shark saws mentioned are great and I'm SO glad I just found them again just now after ages trying to remember the name. https://www.infinitytools.com/blog/2016/05/24/introducing-shark-and-japanese-style-pull-saws/
  19. There is a risk, yes. Or I should say was, now that I'm rather wizened, I don't think so. I walked through the crowds at the first Donington Rock festival and got snogged by some passing woman who proceeded to carry on walking as though nothing had happened. That was with clothes on. Walking through a crowded pub or nightclub there's a risk of getting groped, especially at festive times.
  20. I give up. We are in the Newtonian world now where commonsense exists. I can't be doing with mental gymnastics like this.
  21. So, that woman walking through the pop festival topless and getting groped bore no correlation?
  22. It's not an easy subject. Half the problem is trying to relate it to commonsense when you need to let go of it because it's not in the realm of everyday experience. Much of physics beyond the Newtonian world we experience is counterintuitive.
  23. Is this any use? https://sewelldirect.com/learning-center/rg59-or-rg6 The only thing confusing me is that the newer cable is thicker so the new plug pin should thicker, I would have thought..
  24. The code for him would be $$$$$.
  25. That's probably because one usually got the first two when they used to be epidemic. All the stuff we used to take to take for granted that we would get. You could say that chickenpox is as bad as measles if you get shingles. I would think that's not very nice.
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