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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Every extra eligible person that is not immunized is another potential vector route to the immuno-vulnerable.
  2. Absolutely, but the brain is capable of putting the sound in your ears as well as your head.
  3. I can if I think about it but probably some people will do it spontaneously.
  4. Reality is constructed and, as such, one hears and sees what one expects. Basically, your brain fills in the missing bits. I think it's not too far removed from the mechanism of pareidolia where the brain will try to make sense of a randomly arranged objects with an illusion. There's enough information in that gif to add sound to it.
  5. Organization and freedom are incompatible, or rather, freedom reduces with increasing organization. If the organizing is wise then the reduction in freedom is worthwhile because what freedom we do have left should make the group more productive and harmonious in their interactions and, thus, the individual gets to act with more freedom and have a better chance of survival than they otherwise would have had in a confined population with limited resources. We don't have the space or resources to act without limitations.
  6. Part of the problem is people below a certain age have no direct experience of what these diseases were like and their prevalence; they are just an abstract concept.
  7. In the US but not all the states. They've had a strong policy since 1800's but it's been diluted somewhat. What do you mean 'shed'?
  8. I think the current policy of exclusion where children congregate and interact, like schools, is sufficient.
  9. That's ok. Technologically, NK's nuclear abiity is probably 60's equivalent. They haven't mastered detonating at the correct time or autonomously, I would think as It's all been underground. I think they've still got a long way to go.
  10. I was agreeing with you.
  11. Yes. They can send a missile with a warhead on it...they'll not be raining warheads down en masse atm. They don't know how to make buses so that a missile can carry up to ten independently targetable warheads like Trident can.
  12. But there are few things in life where the consequences of our personal action, or inaction in this case, have potential local, national and even global effects. Every infected person is an ecosystem for a pathogen and every person it infects is an opportunity to perpetuate its existence to harm more people.
  13. The same as the final number in infinty: undetermined
  14. The US is an unfathomable anomaly WRT these two items, being heavily restricted in the rest of the western world. Let's not derail your thread with this subject though. Let us just accept that it is what it is. Vaccination relies on collective co-operation to work .
  15. You can't have freedom where it impinges upon collective responsibility. Vaccination is one of those. The healthy individuals that can be vaccinated should be vaccinated to protect those that can't. Vaccination is more than the individual.
  16. Hi. I hope what you've written you find cathartic and can now draw a line under that chapter of your life to start a new one that will leave behind positive thoughts and memories of yourself.
  17. Anecdotally: I look at a computer screen a lot, well into the night, and noticed that I found it often hard to go to sleep. Looking into this, I learnt that computer screens and phones have a high colour temperature, strongly blue-biased, which led me to suspect it was messing with my day/night sense. i happened upon a program called f-lux which allows you to alter the temperature and program it to alter with your 'day', such that the colour warms up as you enter evening. it seems to have done the trick and I don't get insomnia as often now. The colour of the light affects melatonin. I don't think it's voodoo.
  18. You've asked a legitimate science question. You aren't making up your own ideas so it belongs in the science section; it has a straight answer.
  19. "In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded" - Pratchett. Does that sound more sensible?
  20. Yes, that animation is super. I shall have a look with my 24" monitor, I've just watched it on my laptop. The one I saw was much simpler called something like 'Universe in a box'.
  21. Yes, that's the visualised distribution of matter in the LCDM model. i think the picture helps in describing that expansion is everywhere.
  22. This is not really a question about nuclear arms and their ethics in general but just ICBM's and the risks associated with them as highlighted in the .article. Do you think Russia and the US could agree to this even though N. Korea is developing them as a possible complication? Are they necessary? I think they are militarily pointless really because everybody knows where they are. I'm talking about the ones that are in silos.
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