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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Thanks Mordred. I think this answers JCM's question. Does the rate of expansion vary where there is near parity between the of Dark energy and two adjacent superclusters?
  2. Maybe what what we see is how things look from across the void, between the cobwebby areas where expansion is happening, but not how things actually are if we were closer to them. As Airbrush says, within gravitationally bound areas everything is as we expect.
  3. I don't know what you mean. You mean WRT the visualisation?
  4. Although rather tenuous, my view is that the middle ground, where most people probably are, is swinging Left. Whereas before, Corbyn was seen as towards hard Left, i get the feeling he's being seen increasingly by moderate voters as more mainstream which suggests a shift in the collective attitude. I personally am shifting more Left because I feel this government is too capitalistic and social/humanitarian matters are dwindling in importance to them. Quite frankly, I think certain things should be under government control, especially areas of infrastructure and social care. i would class myself as a typical moderate voter that can vote either way depending on the needs of a particular era.
  5. Yes, having knowledge and being able to usefully play with it are two different things.
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't think it was all or nothing but I'm open to being corrected.
  7. Anything more than 200mlyrs apart will have no effect on each other gravitationally and won't ever because of expansion by dark energy. Anything less than that distance can potentially overwhelm it and be influenced gravitationally. This visualisation of the structure at the supercluster level shows the gaps between the threads; these will get bigger and the threads will get thinner. The gaps represent where dark energy dominates.
  8. A quadrupole is a mathematical abstraction that bears no resemblance to its actual 3-dimensional makeup... as usual. If you follow the link in my quote there's another couple of followups that add to it.
  9. It looks right to me. If the pendulum swings too much to the Left the Right get mardy, and vice versa, as a counterbalancing force. Whether you agree with that is an entirely different matter. The more upset one is about the way things are going, the more proactive one is likely to be to try and change things. Conversely, the more things are going ones way, the more contented one is and, hence, less motivated than ones opposite number.
  10. I see it in the sense being relative to any given observer, whatever their political persuasion. The 'middle ground' is always from the perspective of any particular observer... they are in the middle.
  11. You could say the nationalists dominate here in the UK by winning the vote for Brexit.
  12. You can't take a photograph of energy but you can of something that has it. It does not have independent existence, just like 'length' doesn't.
  13. Is 'faucets' foreign for taps? I didn't know we had a particular style.
  14. Faith implies that scientists will stick with something through thick and thin. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  15. It would probably be better to say '60,000 nationalists'.
  16. Nations are made up of disparate groups across a Right-Left spectrum and if the centre-line moves too far one way or the other, the more extreme elements of the losing side are expressed.
  17. The sky is blue because the depth and density of our atmosphere is in the Goldilocks zone for showing that colour for most of the day. If the depth was much deeper, then all the blue would get scattered away and one of the longer wavelengths would predominate, as is witnessed towards sunrise and sunset. Edit: added
  18. Much of what we do repetitively is hard-wired through neuroplastic processes and these actions will be performed automatically and that is what is likely being seen in the MRI images: the process of learned behaviour, which probably doesn't require a lot of cognition. i would like to see what the brain is doing in totally novel situations.
  19. Thanks. That at least clears it up insomuch as there is a change. Can that exchange cause a wavelength difference between the incident and exiting photon? Does that preserve the momentum of the photon; the difference being they have different energies?
  20. I'll look into that as well.
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