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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It's good for showing how the path of a moving object is influenced by a larger object but I generally visualise it pictorially as a density-gradient, distributed around objects; higher density equals stronger gravity or more curved space time. I can visualise that in 3D.
  2. Feeling and thinking calmly even in the face of adversity.
  3. A bit like playing Russian Roulette with yourself and counting how many times you can get away with it before you find the bullet.
  4. Was it a full update to the next Windows version? Do you use separate monitor or is it a laptop?
  5. Type "display" in the search box, click Display Settings, then in the Resolution option select the correct one for your screen.
  6. It would be unethical for any of us to start guessing for you. If i was in your position I wouldn't think twice about going to see a doctor... I wouldn't consider those symptoms trivial if those weren't normal experiences that I had.
  7. Don't dismiss retinal problems, so an optometrist might be advised by your doctor. There's lots of possibilities that it might be symptomatic of and your doctor should be your first port of call. Just describe what you've been experiencing and take it from there.
  8. I suspect the great majority of their websites are not as formally structured as this one, with this type of membership, that works this way. They probably use their own forum as a test bed and found it wasn't needed or was superfluous.
  9. Evolution is the change in the distribution of alleles over time, so it pertains to genetics and heritability. Abiogenesis is the steps to forming those processes, so it is essentially chemical in nature, as opposed to biological, in the beginning
  10. Definitely go and see a doctor who should be able to send you to the right specialist.
  11. "You can have any colour as long as it's black".
  12. You probably had a slight anxiety about oxygen and carbon dioxide levels until you were put right.
  13. I think we need to define sexual assault. If Harvey Weinstein says - implied or explicitly stated - "I'll do this for you if you do this for me" and they concede, is that sexual assualt?
  14. Yes, within the industry but did they take it to law enforcement? It's only now, after a 100-odd years, that the law and media attention is becoming involved to the degree it is. The way I'm seeing it is, that this is what those particular women had to do to get where they are today...they were ambitious enough to pay that price. I'm finding it difficult to see them as victims. I'll be clear, Weinstein is not a nice person at all but he offered a price for access to their desires and they took it. It looks like that sexual gravy train may be coming to an end and Weinstein is the symbolic focus for that problem in the entertainment industry.
  15. To what extent did their desire to be famous override their urge to complain? It's wrong, but the casting couch phenomenon has probably been going on since near the advent of film.
  16. Re highlighted: you have me confused. Are you saying the studies suggest yoghurt is harmful?
  17. Being severely deaf my sleeping world is totally silent but I know what it's like when I have to leave my hearing aid in...insomnia! You could wear the earplugs and get a vibrating watch alarm or under pillow vibrating alarm which are more powerful.
  18. Good cheddar has that quality. Natural yoghurt doesn't though.
  19. The solution is to eat fermented milk products whereby the lactose is converted to lactic acid.
  20. People are drawn to 'elixirs' or things that remove 'toxins'. They are just buying dreams. and empty promises. Not learning any science is bad for your health and wallet.
  21. Smells like he's using the Galileo gambit; fighting against the establishment.
  22. Wouldn't something like this come under the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency?
  23. i don't think they they are vacuumed but have an inert gas in them which has the same effect in preventing oxidation of the filament.
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