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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. 'Nothing' means 'We have no idea'.
  2. You could use Google Translate. Put both boxes in English, type out or copy/paste words or sentences into the left box then press the speaker icon in the box on the right and the words will be read out to you. This could be useful as a quick reference. https://translate.google.co.uk/#auto/en/Hello. How are you%3F Edit: you can do everything in the first box.
  3. I think the trouble is here that people are starting from different definitions/descriptions of the BB, or rather, the timeline of those definitions which is periodically changing with new knowledge.
  4. As the saying goes: it takes all sorts to make a world. If everybody was of a particular cognitive type it would likely create deficits of ability in some areas of work where they are not suited. Pushing this to an extreme to illustrate: what if everyone wanted their children to be pop stars, actors and scientists (beautiful or intelligent); how long would a society like that last without all the other needs of society met? As that article Strange linked to says, scientists need to think carefully about the ramifications.
  5. Could it be the act of observation adds energy to the observed which prevents it decaying?
  6. Evolutionarily, it's a bad idea because the more variation there is the more chance there is of overcoming any future unknown adversity. Arbitrarily selecting for certain traits may reduce reproductive fitness in a population
  7. There's a code button to the left of the smiley icon.
  8. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/75313-the-official-introduce-yourself-thread/?page=128
  9. From my reading first year uni stuff on the subject, chemistry leading to biochemistry is a must really.
  10. Yes, when all else fails reboot or reinstall.
  11. Try reinstating the ignored person then log out/log in then ignore them again. The only other thing I can think of clearing your cookies but that's a long shot.
  12. I put you on my ignore list and this thread shows up but your post within it does not.
  13. You could give your eyes a sauna by putting your towel covered head over a sinkful/bowlful of hot, steaming water occasionally until you get back to the UK.... don't scald yourself.
  14. Tears contain lysozyme which breaks down the cell walls of certain bacteria. It has an antiseptic function. Obviously, it needs a liquid carrier to distribute around your eyes and if your eyes are in a persistently dry state from the atmospheric conditions the lysozymes effectiveness is reduced, they are going to be more vulnerable to infection, especially with micro-abrasions from dust as well. Perhaps you could take a break in an environment that has more humidity/less dust so they can recover and possibly, if your doctor thinks so, do that treatment again in that more humid environment.
  15. Modern nuclear warheads contain subcritical amounts of nuclear material. Their thermonuclear explosive potential is dependent on the electronics, which are keycoded in a specific fashion, split between multiple personnel and can automatically fry their own electronics in the event of unauthorised access. All a successful terrorist will have is a small amount of nuclear material but no bomb. There is no authorised personnel that alone holds the necessary information to arm a warhead.
  16. I think you just have to keep exposing yourself to the thoughts and imagery....maybe do in stages. Look at stuff first that only mildly disturbs you and work through it until you are unaffected. I think it's partly ignorance about the subject that causes the revulsion, The more you learn about it, the less bothered you'll become. I have a bit more than a passing interest in the microflora that occupy the alimentary canal and so poo is an integral part of the subject! This caused all sorts of not-so-nice thoughts and responses in me but once you start analysing properly, they just become processes and components.
  17. You absolutely do what works for you. .. you have a purpose. I hope you achieve your goal.
  18. The main problem atm is storing energy which can carry a place through the period when solar or wind is not available, Batteries need to be higher density. The point I'm getting at is power requirements are becoming discrete and less centralised... self-powering through using batteries.
  19. How do you mean "Too dilute"? The other important parallel technology is rechargeable batteries. Analogously, fossil fuel s a disposable battery which, up to now, has a higher energy density.
  20. Doing this would be cool: Juvenile Jeholosaurus Dinosaur Fossil from The Early Cretaceous https://i.pinimg.com/736x/78/37/2c/78372cf08869a03105ed94dad2c6e0ab--dinosaur-fossils-extinct.jpg
  21. Let us know how it turns out. Don't hold out too much hope:
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2742486/Groundbreaking-experiment-allows-brain-brain-communication-internet-people-5-000-miles-apart.html
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