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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Yes, underlying themes and principles start to emerge as you increase the pieces of knowledge. These realisations can be more valuable than the individual pieces themselves. I'm of the belief that the more you know, the more you novel can be
  2. Isn't anything? Scientists assign a confidence interval of 95% or better to give something the thumbs up. There is a probability boundary at which they decide something is likely more than chance . That author was just doing the same thing but whether he was correct or not,I don't know.
  3. The thought came up when I was reminded of an article, probably 30 years ago or more, The article was about roulette tables and, apparently, every result in every casino is routinely recorded. At the time, I think, the most a number had come up was 7 times in sequence. Long story short, the author calculated and argued that beyond a certain number of times - I forget how many - such a result would become a meaningful event rather than just a random result. Given that statistics is so important in science to isolate and confirm/refute things it did seem sensible to me. I should have used the word 'meaningful' rather than 'paranormal' in my last post.
  4. it's an ornamental metal that stays shiny and easy to work.
  5. That one will be a 96% eclipse for the UK, so should be quite good.
  6. You could just put a bit in a suitable receptacle, heat it and see if it melts... it'll either be non-melting thermosetted plastic or thermoplastic which does melt. That link I posted has the details.
  7. And Trump won on making America great again.
  8. Shift key needs cleaning underneath. I had to do mine yesterday.
  9. You might find this article interesting: http://www.lotfi.net/recycle/plastic.html
  10. They also keep them relatively scarce, I think.
  11. I was being humorous, I thought, by using two homonyms together.
  12. "How much did I drink last night?!!"
  13. Just keep absorbing information as and when it pleases you.It'll all come together in the end where you want to go deeper. What you are doing atm is feeling out the general landscape at a superficial level to get a broad picture with only sketchy details. One day you might want to fill in more detail on part of that broad picture i.e. specialise. Knuckle down on your course work though because you've made that commitment.
  14. Yes, but a finite universe is not constrained to be infinitely old.
  15. If the universe is infinite it has always been in existence. It could, as one or more theories propose, be going through recurring cycles of evolution that allows change to keep occurring ad ininfitum. I think it's better to think of the BB period as just a step in an ongoing evolution.
  16. it's a bit too late to be depicting and memorialising the misery of those people now. Who's alive now that can share and depict it in its true light? Anything done now would just be the product of imagination. Yeah, by all means, that would be a good idea and it would indicate that it does not represent modern thinking. If the Swastikas had been left then yes but not after the fact... that would belong housed in an appropriate museum.
  17. Blame the politicians not the members of the armed forces; Harris was a puppet of the politicians. The German people were instrumental in Hitler's accession to power and were not innocent and were considered viable targets, just as the Germans viewed UK civilians as viable targets. I'm assuming you are railing against such 'atrocities' as the 'Thousand Bomber Raid'.
  18. By removing pieces of history that is found unpalatable.
  19. Another sanitiser. You just don't see where I'm coming from do you.?
  20. They are symbols of historic racism and I think they should remain as tangible reminders of those dark days in US history.
  21. I agree. You can't and mustn't whitewash history. Lest we forget... Every nation should carry it's symbols of pride and shame in equal view. It's the bad parts as well as the good parts that makes them what they are today.
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