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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Facebook brings out the ugly and banal in people, particularly interest/hobby pages. I was on fishing groups until 2014 and the bitching got too much. The whole FB ecosystem leaves a bad taste for me. One-to-one, like Whatsapp, is a much more manageable and predictable socialising system. You are getting older, becoming less egocentric and starting to see what has been happening around you all your life; real life is coming into sharper focus and it becomes an ever increasing challenge to cope with it. Some people just probably say "Fuck this". Mix that with a familial or endogenous depression and you've two rather potent precursors for wanting to end your life. The trouble with depression is you cannot feel what is not there in the first place and loss/absence of empathy is one of the reasons why a person can kill themselves even though they have very substantial family responsibilities.
  2. You can chop up infinity as many times as you like and each piece will always be infinite. How one visualises that is irrelevant. You should know by now that only pertains to the observable universe portion.
  3. Like this:
  4. Is there a point, or set of odds, in the absence of an apparent cause, that we have to say that something might be paranormal?
  5. Ah right. OK. I'm too busy now for a while to look but you could could cross reference several such sites and see what sort of times and differences come up until someone comes along and does the down and dirty maths.
  6. Point Lookout is first by 3 minutes today. 0614 vs 0617 http://sunrisesunset.willyweather.com.au/nsw/far-north-coast/mount-warning.html http://sunrisesunset.willyweather.com.au/qld/brisbane/point-lookout.html
  7. There is a religion section because people will post about religion and its presence keeps the subject away from the pure science forums; it's a necessary conduit. It also gives the opportunity for religious people to test their beliefs against scientific consensus.
  8. You could see it as yet more evidence for the inevitability of life forming rather than specifically supporting Panspermia; the necessary chemicals are/were made in a variety of locations and environments.
  9. First find out if there's a need in your catchment area.
  10. Glad to see you got it sorted. You could used to extract the installation files with some program and make an executable but I forget which and how. I should research some method to keep and be able to transfer your desirable software. Perhaps get another HD and clone or image your old HD to a new one as a spare. You can clone or image with this- imaging uses less space and just copies the data areas whereas cloning is a sector-by-sector copy: https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree
  11. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-re-activate-windows-10-after-hardware-change
  12. He could get the same laptop, couldn't he? I don't know how the licensing would work though, whether it would overwrite the one on the old HD with the one in the new laptop.
  13. So you want to use that drive? if it's the same windows operating system you could try getting all the drivers for your new laptop from the manufacturers {support section), save them to stick, and then install them after inserting your old hard drive. I think you'll have big problems with windows licensing though unless it's transferable. The key is embedded in the BIOS. If it's an ordinary windows license that came already installed (OEM) your plan won't work. Methinks.
  14. My best break up happened in a pub. We sat together not saying much and she got up to leave and i said "I'll see you when I see you" and she replied "That's it in a nutshell". Wish they were all like that.
  15. Buy an external hd enclosure that fits your HD, put your drive in that then stick the usb cable in your new laptop. Then you can use file explorer to retrieve your files to your new laptop. Something like this: https://www.novatech.co.uk/products/novatech-2-5-inch-tool-free-sata-hddssd-enclosure-usb-3-0-black/nov-cad253.html After you've migrated your files, format the drive and you've then got another storage drive that you can plug in as you please. You can put the files back into the formatted external drive if you want. Best to keep your data off the system drive, as you've just discovered.
  16. What areas are you interested in? Do you like text books style or general overviews written for a broad audience?
  17. The main thing to try to create new experiences that overlay the ones that make you sad. If someone hurts you, be consoled that they will reap what they sow. As an old lady once told me: "You can't make happiness out of someone elses unhappiness".
  18. I would tell her "Congratulations on helping to keep these scourges in circulation and I hope you are gratified if one of your children infects and damages a child that can't be vaccinated because of too low immunity". It's harsh but that's reality. It is one the very few communal responsibilities where it is important we all do our bit.
  19. is this google page any good? https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C2CHBF_en-GBGB753GB753&q=object+counter+software&oq=object+couter+software&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30k1.617046.631416.0.635297.
  20. You have done your research! If the tap does discolour to an unacceptable degree in the long term seek out one made from 316L or 317L stainless steel which are even more corrosion resistant in ascending order. I think 304 will be fine though for your application. You could even check out plastic taps used for beer kegs if the need arises.
  21. If you install Opera, enable the built-in VPN in settings, and use DuckDuckGo that's pretty untrackable for information and location as far as trackers go. Your browser will adopt the IP address of the VPN server and your virtual location can be chosen by you from a list. If you do banking or anything like that make sure your virtual location is the same as your real location, or else you will set off their security mechanisms.
  22. One idea I've just seen is converting urls to plain text, requiring people to copy/paste the url if they want to go to a website. Do you think that would deter human spammers? It wouldn't bother me copy/pasting a genuine text link into the address bar if it helps the forum. https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/how-to-prevent-users-from-posting-url-links/ If human spammers have to take a screenshot and it's seen to be only text-based they won't get paid, I presume.
  23. if it's people putting them in manually captcha won't work.
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