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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I don't know the right words to search google for the fibre orientation and general structure of finger and toenails. All I get is the parts of the nail area when I want to know composition and structure of a nail itself. Any ideas?
  2. Hot off the press:
  3. Although this is more biology, if you know a song well your brain will make adjustments to the incoming signal to match your expectations and will even synthesise sounds/frequencies that may be missing, derived from memory. .
  4. Nothing is no thing. Once we define what the things that are absent we can say there is nothing.
  5. Also, he would have practice on a person who understands.
  6. It's an accounting word that describes a state of absence of something or anything at all.
  7. We first need to find what number of people 1% represents, so we divide the number of people by 25: 80/25 = 3.2 people per 1% We now know 3.2 people makes up 1%, so all we have to do is multiply that 75% figure by 3.2: 75 x 3.2 = 240
  8. Unless you plant the right seeds in the right places you will not get the result you desire; the prevailing landscape won't allow it, If there are no minority models in whatever position how can the minority youngsters be inspired when they don't see any people like them in the goals they desire.
  9. The reality that scientists know is expressed in the models. Veni, vidi, ad exemplum illud (I came, I saw, I modelled it) .
  10. My question to CharonY was not whether bias against minorities existed but what was the agreed proportion of minoritiesthat should be proactively chosen by institutions to redress the balance in an AA policy . I'm asking questions not asserting a viewpoint.
  11. I'm not calling you names but I am pulling you up on your ideological position.
  12. As a long-term consequence of applied AA? It doesn't really affect non-minorities much applying such a policy? Is there a generally accepted figure for the % of annual admissions that should be proactively biased for towards minorities?
  13. Meat is not bad per se. Something as apparently innocuous and essential as water can kill you. Yours is an ideological position that is not wholly empirically based or at the least not balanced, it would seem. Your history on the subject of meat-free diets shows that you are evangelistic about them.
  14. This is one of the consequences of affirmative action (AA); one side has to suffer. AA is a temporary policy to correct some perceived imbalance in the social order. It's never going to be popular with those that are being biased against. Essentially, one has to turn a deaf ear to the discontent until the objective is achieved.
  15. Moderation and variety is the key I think. Everything has an LD50 (will kill 50%) rating. water has an LD50 of 6L.
  16. Thwarting drug addicts in one way only makes them find another way... it just moves the problem around. I remember in the eighties I heard people lost limbs to Diconal (dipipanone/cyclizine) because of the large amount of insoluble materials in it but people still persisted. It's another world being a drug addict; safety is some abstract concept to many of them. Drug-induced amnesia is the real obstacle to dealing with the problem. That's why there is an endless pattern of reoffending.
  17. If our galaxy is scaled to 1mm the edge of the observable universe would be 480m or 480 000 adjacent Milky Ways away... that's pretty big.
  18. I've just done a test post, gone to another site, come back to this page and my entry is still there when I click on the input box. I went away from the page immediately after making a second test post as well to see when it kicked in and seems to save it straightaway.
  19. I'm surprised that people get issued fentanyl when they are not suffering dire chronic pain and terminal. I understood it as intended as a breakthrough pain reliever in those patients that were already being given addictive analgesics in a therapeutic situation, such as terminal cancer. in those patients the addictiveness of a medicine becomes moot. Could it be symptomatic of a privately-driven healthcare system that these substances are so, relatively, available and reduces the effectiveness of government oversight in controlling prescriptions?
  20. I think, the worst culprits are their own female peers in the appearance department..
  21. The pressure on contemporary adolescent boys to conform to certain standard looks is as intense now now as it is for girls. The time spent grooming and stressing about appearance and what they wear is pretty much equal from what I've seen in the last few years. I know parents that buy fake 'name' clothes from China for their children so that they can conform to their peers expectations.
  22. Those who have acquired the most rep in some period.
  23. I thought they might be looking at their own user profiles when I looked.
  24. Click the blue circle before the title if you want to go to the first unread post. i've found after I customise my start page, I can then copy the url and then paste the link to the bookmarks bar so i don't have go into My Activity Streams doing two extra clicks to bring up my start page.
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