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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I thought they might be looking at their own user profiles when I looked.
  2. Click the blue circle before the title if you want to go to the first unread post. i've found after I customise my start page, I can then copy the url and then paste the link to the bookmarks bar so i don't have go into My Activity Streams doing two extra clicks to bring up my start page.
  3. Or they might be saying "Sod this, I cant be bothered". You can hear people complain but not the ones walking away, especially those not particularly committed. This is now the most convoluted forum format I've seen so far. It helps CR to hear feedback so he can tune, where possible, for most people.
  4. It's not an argument against panspermia but is an argument against giving it precedence for consideration over earthbound abiogenesis until it's shown it can't be the case or is less likely.
  5. Panspermia adds another level of difficulty when everything is likely here on Earth; certainly all the necessary elements.
  6. 'Nothing' could be a placeholder word for 'We don't know'
  7. Perhaps people will comment as to their preference. i'm for the swap. I don't see the point of seeing a sequential list of unconnected comments. 'Stream of consciousness' as DrKrettin so aptly put it.
  8. It's all a lot easier when you've lived beyond a certain number of years but it doesn't help the OP who is probably young and doesn't have the benefit of decades of hindsight like we have. It's one thing to walk backwards into it ignoring it and another to face the challenge head on and walk into it. I choose the latter.
  9. That's a better choice for me: Unread Topics. Cheers. Edit. would it be worthwhile putting Unread Topics on the bar, instead of hidden, seeing as that's pretty much like the old New Content button?
  10. StringJunky


    I remember reading his thoughts on it some time ago when I looked into the thought processes surrounding using the bombs. I thought at the time one was enough, if any.
  11. StringJunky


  12. That sounds about right as to our physical and mental destiny. Our demise is one of the great challenges of living and it can take decades to be at peace with it. It's one of those subjects that you need probably at least 30 years of living to start getting your head around it. Everybody has to find their own answers. I think the main goal to aim for is personal fulfillment because this helps to make you feel more complete as a person and if you get that far then there should be less feeling of things not done and any time left is a bonus. From a personal perspective, as fifty-something, I only want to go around the block so many times and i'll happily hang up my clogs. Every day, your actions and words are affecting people, and sometimes modifying their behaviour for the better through knowing you. Those effects may be subliminal and each one small but the memory of your presence is embedded in their modified behaviour, so in that sense, looking at the bigger picture, your memory lives on. The energy redirected by your actions during your life still continues. You may ultimately be forgotten by people but you will not be forgotten by the universe because the waves you created will ripple far into the future.
  13. The honourable thing to have done would to have cited it properly. I think you are part of the ongoing, informal peer review process and should report it.
  14. StringJunky


    The only way i can see it happening, in any conscionable way, is if that innocent person's life was a lesser consequence than failing the objective for which they were an obstacle or potential cause of much greater harm, which would have to be pretty important to justify it. Perhaps Eisenhower saw Nagasaki and Hiroshima that way. I don't think it was necessary but in the bigger historical picture they have taught everybody a long lasting lesson.
  15. Yes, that's true but the lower mass moves the greatest distance doesn't it; it will yield the most in deviating from it's course.
  16. It's the same as saying a map is not the territory.
  17. i added that second sentence as a caveat in case my response lead to that because it might invoke thoughts of infinite rates. I wasn't aware that it was possible mathematically until Strange just mentioned it.
  18. You might find this Science Mag article interesting: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/05/gene-editor-crispr-won-t-fully-fix-sick-people-anytime-soon-here-s-why
  19. Space, being only volume, can expand at any rate without violating the SOL limit. If the universe is infinite then it was always so.
  20. I resized mine in Faststone Image Viewer to fit... crushed the vertical axis rather than cropped it without keeping the aspect ratio.
  21. StringJunky


    Yes, within that jurisdiction. How ones actions are seen within the jurisdictiion of the enemy is another matter.
  22. i noticed you get desktop notifications, if you are not on the same tab as the forum, and a sound.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. imatfaal


      It is a major change.  They still haven't incorporated my feature wish list - including remote electro-shock accompanying negative reputation but beggars  can't be choosers

    3. StringJunky
    4. DrP


      I like the notifications  -  if I haven't been on for a few days it can be hard to look back through everything to see if you have been quoted or asked anything...  now there is a list saying exactly what has happened whilst I was offline. :) 

  23. StringJunky


    'Deranged' is subjective. Any act of violence is deranged to some people. That's up to the individual soldier whether he decides to disobey and take the consequences. If members of his family are enemy then that's the way it is.
  24. StringJunky


    I assumed any order would be within the law. Does every obvious minutiae have to be said. Whether an armed force will make a pre-emptive or unprovoked strike, i.e first nuclear strike, is a matter of classified intelligence to which we are not party. They have to keep any adversary guessing.
  25. You have to have an existing licence, of which the code is embedded when you bought the computer. I don't know if there is a grace period now but you'll come unstuck at some point if that code isn't there.
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