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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. StringJunky


    You just don't get it do you? The admiral is subordinate to the President and Defence Secretary. He will do what he's told. He is not culpable for any command he obeys. He's a cog in big wheel that works in a fixed way and his response reflects his position. Have you ever looked into the training an armed forces person has and the drilling they have to do? You do it. Absolute discipline is required because the the generals need to have confidence that their orders will executed exactly as expressed all the way down. Every serviceman's life depends on everyone else doing their job exactly. There is no 'I' in 'team'. This is the bigger picture where the admiral is coming from.
  2. You need a group of them to represent a piece of data.
  3. StringJunky


    I don't think it's a big deal. He's only showing his obeyance and respect for the chain of command. Any loyal military person, wherever they are in the pecking order, will say the same. This is about respect for the office of the leader and not Trump himself. Turn the triangle of power upside down and that's where the weight of responsibility and blame lies if things go wrong; the leader.
  4. StringJunky


    Possibly, but it would still be quite standard procedure and he would be expected to say that. He was asked a question and he gave a standard answer. He can't say anything else. He is just showing that he is compliant to the rules.
  5. StringJunky


    I read into the chain of command in the UK and US establishments and I don't think the admiral is high enough to argue. Only the top military person can in both instances. A two-man rule operates all the way down the nuclear command chain.
  6. People are too quick to jump on the harassment bandwagon. One advance harrassment does not make, regardless of their marital status.
  7. Critiquing the picture aside from the situation: yes, it's a very nice picture and there are far worse pictures to convey intent. Being married is not a bar to this sort of action but it does tell you what he thinks of his wife: not a lot. You need to convey your response or you could ignore it, which should have the same effect, and move on.
  8. Replies in Status Update are much like a normal discussion in other parts of the forum now with the same tools whereas before it had no tools. The PM system seems to be the same as before.
  9. This sort of stuff used to drive me nuts but it sounds ok now.
  10. Yes, I saw that yesterday as I was browsing.
  11. Yes, I remember he once gave a very good example of the map not being the territory. He seems to know his physics.
  12. The purpose of your thread is to clarify the conventional view in neophytic terms. I can't see how it can be construed as speculative in itself.
  13. I have a vacuumable container, that would easily take a phone, for soaking pellets with water faster or preserving foodstuffs. You can get vacuum-making stoppers for wine bottles. it's not necessarily a specialist piece of equipment. They are cheaper than a hairdryer.
  14. Right. OK. Thanks.
  15. If you put the phone in a container that can be vacuumed out with one of those pump attachments, will that accelerate drying, even at the same temperature as ambient? Do things dry out faster in lower pressures. It seems like it would.
  16. Things with high mass attract things with lower mass. Gases and liquids will layer themselves in decreasing order of density where there's an atmosphere around a central gravitational source.
  17. Someone mentioned about removing all the guests in the online user list. Click the Online Users tab on top and then the Sort By button on the right, select Senior Members or whatever you want to see.
  18. I wondered that and thought it would have be a quite fine powder to work but i was more interested with getting across the mechanism of moisture transport.
  19. Dropping the phone in a poly bag with gel packets,crystals or sacks would be the most efficient,
  20. If it's covered in rice grains, they will absorb the moisture evaporating into the air spaces between the grains from the phone interior. As the air dries out, from absorption into the grains, more moisture evaporates off the phone . Moisture moves from a high concentration to a low concentration; it's a continuous process until an equilibrium is reached. Gel crystals might be quicker as long as they are not too small to foul the phone with particles. Basically, A dry, absorbent material will accelerate the evaporative process. It's probably better to do it enclosed.
  21. Just drowned my analogue hearing aid in my coffee. Guess I'm going to have to move into the 21st century and live with my digital one which has been in its box for the last few years. I've been assured this is what things really sound like but it's so alien. Got no choice now but there's far too much information coming at me right now. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LabRat1


      He must be paying in installments right?

    3. StringJunky


      He's only 14 :) It'll be his anyway when  my number's up. I'm toying with the idea of having another one made now I understand much more about the design parameters I like. A soundport will be in the next one to direct more sound at me.

    4. StringJunky


      Left it a couple of days and it works now. I think  I was lucky that there was no milk in the coffee and no sugar because i'd run out. I will note though that the digital experience wasn't so bad this time. There's a definite slight hiss in my analogue aid which I missed. The silence of digital was a bit unnerving at first. The sound difference is like the difference between a valve amp and a tranny. I've got used to the noise and expect it.

  22. i wasn't sure if that was the solution, as I'm still a bit lost in it, but I thought it might possibly be there.
  23. Look in Activity Stream on top bar. You can make your own as well in My Activity Streams
  24. It's here and we've just got to get on with it. A learning curve I didn't want but i'm sure I'll figure it out. It's most likely better in some places.
  25. When the previous iteration was brought in there was a fair bit of moaning. I can't see them atm but i'm sure there's a fair few holes that need filling and Dave and CR probably still have things to put up and refine. They need to get a handle on it too. The main thing is they needed to do it.
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