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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Probably the most practical measure of progress is when you have to tighten your belt up or your trousers start falling down over your hips, if you don't wear one, and can touch your toes. When I hit 13 1/2 stone that was impossible; my belly was in the way.
  2. What buffers?
  3. Does it tend to just 'float around' then in loose concentrations in a gas-like way? Right. Cheers.
  4. You could send a freeze-dried product. I know there's Napolina Parmesan done that way; if he likes that vomit-like acidity on the finish.
  5. Does dark matter tend to clump around the very large bodies and add to the gravitational force in that locality?
  6. You need to weigh yourself everyday, or often, and you'll notice a downward trend on the lowest number, if you are losing weight. A few weeks ago, my range was 11 stone 12lb to 12 stone 5lb. my lowest number now is 11 stone 10lb with a high up to 11 stone 13lb. You typically carry 48 hours worth of food and plus there''s the hydration aspect at 1kg per litre of water which will cause significant daily fluctuations. You need to look at the trend and not the number on a particular day. Try graphing your progress and you'll see it better.
  7. Centrifugal force is what is called a fictitious force because it is not a real force. The only force is the centripetal force of gravity pulling the planet in. This is balanced against the momentum of the orbiting body which is trying to follow a straight path away from the planet but can't because of gravity, so it travels, usually,.an elliptical path. I don't think dark matter has anything to do with it
  8. It's noticeable on stars that are of too low magnitude for the cones but not the rods i.e. when you move your eyes they pop in and out of visibility as they cross the two zones of light receptors.
  9. If your stools are too hard they make effective gas plugs; 'trapped wind' in technical parlance.
  10. HUP guarantees uncertainty, does it not?
  11. Peristaltic action of the intestines pushes it down aided by food blocking the gases. Put one fist in front of the other as though you were squeezing something along a pipe and that's peristalsis.
  12. Biological mechanism passes on long-term epigenetic 'memories' - Science Daily
  13. "So Long, and Thanks for All the fish". Why would a dolphin want a television or grow strawberries? It's like saying "I can get to level 125 on Asteroids, you can't!". Basically, you are using metrics that make humans appear to be the top dogs... or dolphins We don't know what we don't know.
  14. But they may be useful to someone. What may be mundane to one may be interesting to another. Show your mother an article on GR, with the maths, and watch her eyes glaze over.
  15. We'll see at the next election.
  16. When it all falls to pieces the truth will be left standing.
  17. Why do you assume that. I've personally known women that thought themselves far from the norm of what was attractive. If a person moves in the wrong circles it's easy for them to be rejected. Beauty is not an objective parameter.
  18. A beautiful woman may not consider herself so unless it's reinforced by positive responses from other women. so she may feel ugly if their feedback is negative.I think other women's opinions carry more weight with women than men, who likely just want to get in their knickers. People don't know they are attractive unless they are told so, by actions or words. A physically beautiful person may make those who might be their friends inadequate, which can make them feel ostracised and unattractive. One can't automatically assume that they are dodgy. The more you are to the left or right of the Bell curve the more likely this to happen.
  19. Perhaps because they conflate self-consciousness with consciousness.
  20. I think the HPV may implicated in some prostate cancers and, like any sexually transmissible organism, the odds of infection increase with the number of sexual partners.
  21. Being hotter in Houston, that means you're sweating a lot more to cool down plus the humidity. This will likely result in having wetter skin.
  22. He didn't know what to ask and now he's got some ideas that he may indeed have a problem and can seek professional advice. keep your panties on.
  23. I said to myself "Bah, humbug" to TV 10 years ago and haven't had one since. You could rig a 4K HDMI TV to your computer and use it as a monitor.
  24. You perhaps remember a time when MS-DOS diehards thought Windows98 was a gimmick or even Linux nerds that worked the same sort of command line interface.
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