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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. That guy Einstein needs knocking down a peg or two...
  2. That was just an example. I'm more interested in the principle. The aim is to use the stock to make corrections to a made up flavour recipe gone wrong and correcting one of the components.
  3. Besides any physical deterioration, at the past rates of technological progress, components are just functionally obsolete/underspecced after that time. I can't see any point in having PCs being able to run much passed that time period.
  4. Is there a general formula for determining the amount of solution A, of concentration x%, required to mix with solution B, of concentration y%, to make a solution C that has a final concentration of z%.? A is the stronger stock solution and B needs raising. As an example, I have a 10% stock solution (Solution A) and I want to raise 150ml of 0.5% solution ( Solution B) to 2% (Solution C).
  5. Okinawans are a good base point, I think: So they were on about a 1000 calories less than the European recommendation of about 2500. I think fasting will not benefit your gut bacteria and may detrimentally alter the species proportions.
  6. Baffling-with science is a very successful commercial strategy. I don't know about the US, but the hair products here are the ones thar amuse/bemuse me the most since they purport to 'revitalise deep down' something that's dead. Or saying that X's headache preparation is better than anyone elses when the active ingredients are exactly the same.
  7. I use chemistry all the time when wondering how best to clean things or what to buy to get something done and determine .the relative safety of various products. Above all though, I think basic science wises you up to pseudoscientific infomercials that you get bombarded with all the time.
  8. The speed of light is constant for all inertial observers and because of that fact the differences can be noted for the travel times in each arm.
  9. Because that's what nature does when two blackholes merge. The same thing is not happening in two different directions and that is what's measured; as one is contracting the other one is expanding.. What's so hard about that? Things are not 'waving' in the same direction everywhere.
  10. There is a change in the length of the arms.
  11. I think you need to learn to understand he's saying. And cutting sarcasm won't cut it either. When it comes to trying to be both philosophical and scientific Eise is quite competent and eloquent, bearing in mind English is not his native language. I don't agree with everything he says but I respect what he has to say. I'll give you this piece of advice: the more certain you are, the more you should doubt your own certainty.
  12. I never understood how one can expect to invent that which one does not understand and yet we see it everyday.
  13. Of course, they are working to a prediction.
  14. You can also insert jpeg/jpg/ png images from the web by right-clicking on the image then select 'Copy image address' then click the 'insert image' icon in the lower row (blue line square with green square in) above text box and insert that address in the box that appears.... make sure to remove the 'http' thatis highlighted or else you'll put it in twice and it will fail..
  15. It might only do PNG and JPG/JPEG images as well and there is a size limit.
  16. If people are picking at nits, you know you are doing it right.
  17. The way I see it is that perception is the full set and sensation is the conscious subset of of perception.
  18. Sensation pertains to conscious awareness of stimuli. You can have unconscious perception of stimuli but not unconscious sensation as that would be an oxymoron.
  19. I think most people would say 'rhinos' for plural.
  20. Time varies, relatively, in different parts of a varying gravitational gradient, which is what a gravitational wave is, so, the arms will alternately shrink and stretch slightly as the wave passes through; as measured by the time it takes for the laser to traverse the length of each arm. Relative to each other, there will be a small difference in the time between them.
  21. It's one of many things that can happen to shorten our lives. You see a lot of it, or notice it more, when you get into your fifties. I keep brushing with it but, so far, nothing definite. something will happen and one just needs to be sanguine about it and make the best of it when it does. Welcome to living!
  22. It's only 'lonely' if you don't like yourself and you need another to distract you from that. I'm not advocating a life of solitude but I am promoting that as insurance or preparedness for when solitude comes. There is no downside to being self-assured and self-contained. If a person is complete themselves and within a relationship, they can survive more robust stresses and carry the other when they are weak. Anecdote: In my late teens, walking along some streets for many minutes with a girl I liked very much, she said: "Where are we going?" "I don't know, I was following you" I replied. "I was following you too!" she exclaimed. Cue giggles. A ship needs a rudder and someone to steer it.
  23. People and the world do so constantly. I think you need to find company and peace of mind with yourself before you can find it with others.
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