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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Your perpetual superior/sarcastic tone gets on my nerves. Why do you bother posting?
  2. Will this help? I Googled 'malignant hypertension' and severe headaches are a symptom. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/241640-overview
  3. Cool. It's helped me as well. Sean Carroll is a talented guy for communicating for what seems - at first sight - a nebulous and quite obscure subject.
  4. This video would be a good pointer in the philosophy section when people ask "What is real?"
  5. The idea of virtual particles being less than a quanta and not being actionable individually has been a key thing for me to learn that you've mentioned recently. Also, fields vibrating into other fields has been useful too that I learnt from the video. I think i shall be watching this a few times as Carroll seems to have painted a nicely coherent picture of the different levels and relationships between all the particles and fields. Seems like a good basic springboard to look deeper into parts of atomic theory which I've wanted to get into for a while. The field thing was always the sticking point for me. Swansont has mentioned Carroll quite a few times over the years and i've read a few things by him, so that video caught my eye and his name piqued me to watch it. I'm minded to get one of his books.
  6. The first 50 mins of this excellent Sean Carroll lecture will give you a good overview of the scientific evolution of the first ideas of particles through to them being seen as fields and how they work, including an explanation of what the Higgs Boson is about that gives things mass. Beyond the 50 minutes he goes into where physics is going. You don't need much prior knowledge to understand what he's saying.
  7. Today I learnt that olive oil is 91% the weight of water and if you tried to swim in it would be like having a lead belt around you that was 9% of your bodyweight.
  8. Maybe it was a psychosomatic response from watching the movie.
  9. Also the orientation of the coin, if it was put blindly, would be a random element.
  10. However the story of early life is ultimately written, Abiogenesis is the title of that story.
  11. What's the chances she has a soft spot for you and is enjoying your undivided attention with a rather novel strategy?
  12. One takes some confidence in the knowledge that there is no other viable path.
  13. It might help if you think of 'mind' as a process rather than an entity.
  14. If the same local conditions exist, like oceanic vents, for instance, and bearing in mind chemistry is deterministic, it should happen again.
  15. Those were not idle speculations thought up by myself and your position on this is more unlikely. Chemical reactions are deterministic processes and will happen and have happened. The observable universe is 96 billion LYRS in diameter and we' are only just studying Mars - 3 light minutes away - in sufficient depth; a rather small and unrepresetative sample, don't you think?
  16. Won't salt become concentrated by simple evaporation on the skin?
  17. Perhaps all ecological niches are filled that disallow the formation of new life forms. There could have been multiple, concurrent variants in the initial period, but only one dominated and has lasted the full distance, hence, the single common ancestry.
  18. I learnt today that pedantry is alive and well.
  19. Being on the crest of the wave does mean you fall off more often.
  20. Read about ship beacons and aeroplane beacons and you'll get an idea of the requirements to be seen at certain distances. You can get a T6 emitter torch for about 6 dollars from China. Here's one but don't believe the 6000 lumen figure; more like 500. Stick that on the end of a tube to limit the spread - play with the length - and some kind of stand, you are done. Note that the demands of seeing with a light and seeing a light source are different; the latter requires much less. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Promotions-Ultrafire-E17-2000-Lumens-5-Mode-CREE-XM-L-T6-LED-Flashlight-Zoomable-Focus-Torch/703354679.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1_10152_10065_10151_10130_10068_436_10136_10137_10157_10060_10138_10155_10062_10156_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10103_10102_10096_10147_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10179_10181_10037_10183_10182_10032_10078_10079_10077_10073_10070_10123-10000902,searchweb201603_9,ppcSwitch_3&btsid=50f3b995-26a9-40b5-8669-eb00a60b940e&algo_expid=88030fe1-a8c9-4317-a8a7-19d56f86b3c9-2&algo_pvid=88030fe1-a8c9-4317-a8a7-19d56f86b3c9 Edited to add: The maximum distance due to curvature of the Earth, on flat ground you can see is 2.9 miles.
  21. If you use a torch in beacon mode a single 3000mah battery will last way past your target duration.
  22. Can you explain this?
  23. But you can get prehistoric amber and put in a prehistoric fossil, that's why I mentioned the bubbles, which are an artifact of the presence of the fossil; it ties them together.
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