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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Its a statistically significant number that are not doing it in the US. Just a NY Times article but gives an overview of the types that are not vaccinating: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/31/us/vaccine-critics-turn-defensive-over-measles.html?_r=0
  2. Bit of a contrast to the US isn't it? No messing. Bravo Italy. What do you think?
  3. Cannot understand the red bolded, you've missed words out, I think.
  4. Don't ask for a citation but it was quite recently, whilst looking stuff upon hep c, I read the typical proportion of years of life lost is now about 10%. 6 or 7 years. it's near parity with uninfected people. for those undergoing treatment.
  5. There'd never be agreement on the finer points and the leading edge is always in flux. As a microcosm of that, you only have to look at some conversations here between people who are conversant professionally on some physics matters; there are as many interpretations as there are scientists. Nailing down a definitive scientific reference tome between them would be a pretty difficult project.
  6. Does that mean they are immune to all pathological effects from hiv?
  7. Momentum can be distinct from mass, as illustrated in the form of radiation pressure. When a photon is reflected or absorbed, momentum is transferred to that surface and can push the object if there's enough. Solar sails exploit the phenomenon. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_sail
  8. They fill a niche; it's for the non-tech savvy and the price of that is having to do things a certain way.
  9. Great idea. I haven't been to a gig for a few years but seeing Youtube film of concerts and seeing a sea of raised arms, cameras in hand, is not my idea of a good time. There should be technology to remotely disable phone phones in that kind of environment where they'll be a nuisance. Uploaded video of gigs to Youtube are rubbish anyway.
  10. I found an example of emergent behaviour using computing in the boids program. The rules in the program can be seen as analogous to the physical laws determining the behaviour of matter and complex biological systems.There's an animation in the Wiki page but the Youtube one is nice.
  11. Are you assuming S. Korea is poor? It is 12th in the world rankings for GDP. From what I've read about it, I've not seen any mention of other countries paying for it. The cost would likely be borne by increased taxes on the South Korean population.They have a Ministry of Reunification planning for the time it happens. Ultimately, a unified Korea would create the 7th largest economy globally. I imagine other countries would assist in the immediate humanitarian problems if the N.Korean regime collapsed. Also, reunification would ease the South's military spending.
  12. Here's the MS blog article Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks.
  13. I use Macrium Reflect Free. You have the option select it in the boot screen when you start up as well as with external boot media. It's been over 99% reliable in the 10 years I've been using it; had one cock up.
  14. I think as far as nobody being able to read them, then yes, they are safe but encryption malware will own your account so that you can't access them, if they are in your user account on the operating system AFAIK. Best to image your computer with everything on or put your important stuff on a flash stick or external drive or in an online storage facility. The other option is to make an encrypted partition on the same hard drive, storing your stuff there, but that's a bit more nerdy to set up.
  15. Unfortunately, the people that can understand what you are saying will be backing up anyway.
  16. The vast majority of people won't listen until it happens to them.
  17. Time may be an emergent property, so, if it is, then our post-big bang temporal notions concerning before it emerged don't apply.
  18. My post was just a general ongoing comment about what the Americans can learn from the behaviour of the Trump administration and possibly putting legal devices in that stop future presidents changing things to suit them where they shouldn't. A more graphic illustration of what I'm on about is the tendency in some African countries for newly, democratically elected leaders to usurp the democratic process and embed themselves as leaders well beyond the alloted time. Tayip Erdogan is another quite blatant example. I'm pretty sure Trump is in the same mould, although he won't get that far, but, nevertheless, he's doing his best to stretch his power.
  19. I think there's a lesson here somewhere wrt the reach of a president in investigations that may involve them. There needs to be an independent oversight mechanism that prevents them from fiddling with the wheels of democracy and justice and they should actually handle that type of investigation.
  20. The association between hypertension and headaches is not borne out by research, it seems, according to this article:
  21. Your perpetual superior/sarcastic tone gets on my nerves. Why do you bother posting?
  22. Will this help? I Googled 'malignant hypertension' and severe headaches are a symptom. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/241640-overview
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