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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The real motive in the OP is religious and trying to justify the practice by citing specific health benefits doesn't jive with me.
  2. Probably all three states are there but the figure I've seen is 90-99% killed. Danone, who make probiotics don't guarantee their product if frozen,
  3. Never mind guys. Even I misplace my faith sometimes.
  4. Yes, even though it did something to me I didn't think it was important where they were placed in my ear.
  5. Yep, they've only been there 400 years since the first white settlement in 1607.
  6. That didn't take long diddit?
  7. The tone or motivation of the post has racist undertones. Which will, no doubt, come to light as the discussion ensues, for the benefit of those a bit a slow with the empathy. The highlighted has white supremacist connotations.
  8. Just because some characteristic may have an environmental cause does not make it automatically wrong. It can be considered wrong when it is either detrimental to the group or to the individual, of which, homosexuality harms neither and, in fact, adds diversity to human interactions and the corpus of human knowledge; this can only enhance its survivability as a species.
  9. It was an option in the Addaction drug rehabilitation programme , which works closely with the courts and social sevices. Most convicted addicts going through the courts get sent to them. I was unusual in that I entered the programme as a volunteer, without judicial compulsion, after taking advice from the local social services substance misuse team. All the help I received was without financial cost to myself. I broke my addiction about 15 years ago. I see acupuncture as an enhanced form of meditation, with a bit of endogenous opioid stimulation, since one sits or lies quietly for about half an hour. It was nice until it started stinging my ears, as I mentioned before.
  10. It can create a mild euphoria, like opioids, but after a few sessions all I felt was a burning, sore sensation at the needle sites.
  11. Indeed, incontravertible.
  12. So, what you are saying is that there is reaction between the mass and air that is not present in a vacuum?
  13. I thought if all parameters stay the same, except the mass, it would be the same effect as if they were in a vacuum; the degree of drag would be the same because they are the same size and shape and force of gravity would be the same. The only difference in results between the experiment done in a vacuum and air is the actual time it takes for the objects to fall in either setup.
  14. He'll record the same times, won't he?
  15. Yes, I agree, I realised afterwards.
  16. Forgot about that one.
  17. But that doesn't mean it's falling faster This is done in a very large vacuum chamber:
  18. If you drop a feather and a cannon ball, at the same time in a volume with no air in it, they will touch the bottom at the same time. What does that tell you about the effect of mass on the rate an object falls?
  19. Surely,. the one with highest status would suffice, Prof., the rest would taken as given, just like putting a PhD after your name, it is given that you have the other two degrees.
  20. The photons and other ejecta keep on travelling until they bump into something
  21. My second link in the thread sorts that out; per annum:
  22. Did you not notice 'US Geological Survey'?
  23. Right. Cheers Mordred. So, basically, it's because they are not measurable as a single entity but their effects can be measured as ensemble.
  24. I know , as per the definition mordred gave in another thread: it is that which has less than a quanta of energy, but any idea as to what the thought is behind calling them 'virtual'?
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