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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I agree. Intent has to be accompanied with freewill, which requires some form of decision-making - the ability to distinguish and act on some range of choices.
  2. The ability to potentially* act without constraint from pre-determined behaviour patterns. *It doesn't logically follow that we exercise it all the time
  3. A lot of the US politicians, their random gesticulations posing as expressive body language is garbage visual data that adds nothing to their message. If you can't do properly don't do it. It seems to be an accepted behavioural prop there. There is little synchronization of their speech style/cadence/intensity/tone with their movements.
  4. Absolutely. The truth of what we need to to know about ourselves is not beautiful. Why look there?
  5. If the truth is ugly, beauty will lead you away.
  6. If one looks for beauty, that is what will find at the expense of the things that really matter.
  7. I would guess, like cotton, it is very hydrophilic. After a while you are basically covered with a damp cloth, which becomes an evaporative heat exchanger.
  8. Yes, it has no hold on me now. I can take or leave it. Once in a while I'll ask for one from close friends when I'm with them. On my own I couldn't care less. It was permanent yellow finger tips that finished me off with smoking.
  9. I think that sounds like a case of "Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie". Fear of the loss of the controlling position. There are some aspects of human activity where AI will make less mistakes. We can't mentally juggle as many balls in the air as they can.
  10. Religious concepts and scientific concepts are not amenable to discussing together... they are immiscible.
  11. I use polydimethylsiloxane for waterproofing. It's usually called 'silicone oil'. I got gymnasium equipment lubricant. No smell, optically clear and apparently this substance is self-healing. A 500ml bottle will probably cost you a couple of tins of waterproofing spray and last a lot longer because there isn't any propellent making up part of the bulk. You could use a volatile solvent to make a spray. I use isopropyl alcohol to thin for spraying, but I would check your substrate suitability before using that one. Things don't like sticking to silicone, so it should keep stuff relatively cleaner than without.
  12. "Ummm... I'd love a cream cake". (determinism), but I'm not going to have one as I'm on a diet. (freewill). True or false? I constructed this to be analysed.
  13. What proportion of properly presented science papers pass review?
  14. If they are synthetic sling them in the washer and stop overthinking hygiene matters.
  15. I'm an angler and getting into the nitty-gritty of bait-making. I bought a mixture containing caprillic, capric and lauric acids; C8, C10, C12 respectively. Is there a straightforward way I can separate these to use individually? I think one can separate higher chain acids by freezing. I'm using the 8, 10, 12 carbons because they don't wax up in sub-10c temperatures. I also have C4 and C6 acids but they are already separate. This oil is coconut oil I think it's fractionated somehow to remove C14 and higher in the oil. It doesn't have to be high purity. Is it usual for oils like coconut to only have even numbered carbon acid chains in them?
  16. 12 individuals from both sides contributed 7.5% of donations to their parties. Given that a US election was won the other day by 1 vote in a town of 40000. Assuming equal party contributions, 3.5% either way looks like a potential influence to me. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/12-megadonors-accounted-75-political-giving-past-decade/story?id=77189636
  17. How is it science fiction? They are working on those now. He's describing a specialized mini-ChatGPT app...is he not? The starting gun has been fired...
  18. There are opinions on what it might be like, but, as yet we don't know. It is purely hypothetical atm what problems might arise.
  19. WTF does whether or not using ones real name have to do with the veracity of what one says? You need to learn how science works.
  20. Do I detect a hint of the Galileo Gambit? Are you feeling like it's you against the world with this.
  21. That's too far in future to worry about that. That'll come under regulatory scrutiny at the appropriate time, I'm sure.
  22. He doesn't look like he's playing the long game to me. To me, playing the long game is not overtly taking sides, when neither side is without blood on their hands. The moral compass favours neither one.
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