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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Well, you'd have to be thick to not see his insincerity from the beginning. All his history was there for everybody to see what was to come when he became president. He's not running the show anyway; he's a puppet on strings with many more-skilled hands up his arse, moving him and telling him what to say. This is all leaders, not just him; autocrats excepted.
  2. It was to Koti.
  3. Interesting facts are everywhere and in the unlikeliest places. I have more than a passing interest in gut science/commensal organisms and that's how I came across it. Today you learned that 'crap' is named after Thomas Crapper, who designed and sold sanitary ware.
  4. English is a concoction of several languages, so it has several sets of rules, which can conflict. If you know the country of origin, or etymology, of a word, you can often see where the rule or definition comes from.
  5. WRT to the wireless, this device was the transition from the telegraph, which was wired... I think. It's to do with the mode of transmission of a signal via radiowaves and that's why it was called 'wireless'.
  6. Possibly, you like the stripper but not the company of other watchers.
  7. This might help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whale_vocalization
  8. Exactly. It's the only discipline that''s capable.
  9. This is the science section, not speculations
  10. from the Wiki references: This one suggests the figure is poo/per annum, I think: Even at 300-odd times higher than it first appeared, it's not to be sniffed at.
  11. I think that's a million toilet sessions.
  12. The poo of a million people can hold $13m worth of precious metals (US Geological Survey).
  13. Would Whatsapp be a safe communication channel in a public wifi scenario given that its end-to-end?
  14. The idea of the singularity is an artifact of taking General Relativity too far. What it means is that it's explanatory power has failed. Scientists are looking to quantum physics to describe events at the Big Bang and before but it's still a work in progress. Hopefully, they'll have a quantum gravity theory at some point.
  15. i can't answer that question but I wouldn't trust any network outside of ones work or home. You don't know who is given the key or the knowledge of the hotel network owners. I would treat public and hotels the same; with caution. You don't know if the hotel owners are skimming the traffic for starters. I'm sure there are some here that can offer more knowledge than I have. If you are out of town a lot, I would use a VPN if you can't connect on your own phone network. I wifi my laptop directly off my phone all the time. Is that possible for you?
  16. Use a VPN on public wifi and research into them properly to find one that suits you. I would use a paid one because they have to make money somehow and if you use free then they will probably sell your data to make their money. here's some info on the risks: http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/how-dangerous-is-public-wi-fi/ Personally, i use my phone network's internet.
  17. I liked this by my grandad: "Maths is a language, not a problem."
  18. One presses your buttons and the other doesn't.
  19. The price can't be helping, for a lot people, to experiment empirically (suck-it-and-see) with it and explore its possibilities.
  20. Everything you do makes waves or signals and influences those around you in some small way, passing through them into the future.The obvious ones are the works of famous people but this happens in small ways too that are not obviously on the surface of peoples awareness.
  21. I think people have been saying "What is the world coming to?" since the beginning of language. It's in constant flux and it gets a lot easier when you accept that. Nothing is constant except change.
  22. That's the one I've used the most but it's been probably three or four years since I used it.
  23. Good and bad things co-exist all the time. What you choose to see is up to you. A fair amount of depression is about how you interpret things that happen or have happened. A depressed person tends to see things in a 'glass is half-empty' light. It is possible, with some concerted effort, to cognitively change how you feel by changing your interpretation of things by thinking about what good you got out of something rather than what you didn't get out of it. You hate the world because you are looking at the worst things, try focusing on the best things for a while.
  24. This is the general modus operandi of this forum. It is quite rare to see the regular people here, who are well-qualified in their area, to argue from authority.
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