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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. I think it's amazing that we, and all other life, emerge from these simple signals that act as an ensemble to create complex, thinking, feeling entities of varying abiities.
  2. It might not be expressed until certain parts of the brain are developed enough because it's a function them.
  3. Science and understanding nature is hard enough without making it up. People here primarily want to teach science or pass on what they have learned, as it is known, not listen to peoples made-up stories. This site is about sharing information about conventional science knowledge,as its core purpose. There are plenty of sites that will accommodate your interest. You wouldn't talk about cooking techniques on a site about modding cars, would you? You would get the same sort of response as talking fiction on a science site, which is basically what ideas llike yours are because they are not supported by evidence or even any attempt to build on current scientific thinking. We see it every single day and it gets boring when it's clear the OP's mind is closed to the prevailing evidence; cue irritation. It's ok to be wrong, we are all wrong at times, and it's an essential part of learning but not being prepared to change, and not showing any sign of it, is not worth anyones time in a forum of this type.
  4. From one of your sublinks (ap star class):
  5. Good point. It takes an ensemble of them, as it would the electronic equivalent.
  6. Looks like a page of content-free, creative writing.
  7. I see where you are coming from but I think this is firmly in the hands of the military and part of long-term military thinking on how certain conditions would be dealt with if they arose. I like it too, or aspects of it, but I just get the feeling, perhaps wrongly, that you are very principled towards the 'no harm' aspect of that philosophy.
  8. He has the moral support of several, diverse countries so it's not a unilateral action in that sense.Like I said, I don't think this was premeditated by Trump... lines have been crossed.
  9. After some more pondering, one cannot know when one is not self-aware except after the fact and one is told. Put another way: You will always feel self-aware even when punctuated by episodes of its absence. It's like when you go to sleep, you are not conscious of being asleep; you fall asleep, you wake up. The memory of you closing your eyes is followed by you opening them the next morning; the intervening period is a blank, excluding dreams.
  10. The UK, officially, fully supports the action. I think this is a military decision and Trump rubber-stamped it. World reaction in BBC News gives a few statements from various countries: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39526089
  11. You need to provide sources that this the case.
  12. But America has put itself as the biggest kid on the block. You are Buddhist and, thus, fundamentally oppose violence even if it was overwhelmingly justified,. Your belief allows you no room for pragmatism it's a core tenet of Buddhism; 'no harm'. I have to take your viewpoint with a pinch of salt. War is always messy but if a country crosses a bright red line, like chemical and nuclear weapons, it has to be dealt with in the strongest manner, whatever the prevailing conditions.
  13. Chemical weapons, of the nature used, amply illustrates the lack of humanity of a regime, especially towards its own citizens and, as such, talking is no longer an option. Trump or not, it has to be done. The doves need to sit aside and let the hawks get on with the job until they are needed again. All in my opinion.
  14. Yeah, well, LSD is definitely mind-altering and it was on that that made me realise there is no distinct 'I'. You've been drunk, no doubt, and probably lost your self-awareness then at some point. yet functioned without it for a time.
  15. Uninstall both sound drivers in Device Manager > Sound Controllers then Reboot. Select the red cross on top in Device Manager after clicking the driver entry and follow prompts with OK. They are native drivers so will reinstall on a reboot.
  16. Try: Right-click speaker icon in the taskbar > Troubleshoot Sound Problems. Do it with them in and not in and see if either sorts it.
  17. Generally, unless the toothpaste is specifically antiseptic, you are just brushing the bacteria off your teeth and into suspension with the toothpaste and water to prevent plaque formation and you don't kill them all anyway. Mostly, you are spreading, if it happened, commensal bacteria that most people have anyway, like Lactobacillus mutans which inhabit the mouth; this one causes tooth decay under the right conditions. i don't think it's making a significant difference whether you do it once, twice a day or never... they are always there.
  18. Today, I learned that the fastest organism on Earth is a bacterium, Methanocaldococcus, and it can move at 500 cell lengths a second.
  19. Think of any drug that affects your thinking or state of mind: it pretty much demonstrates that we are wet machines. If our minds were distinct from our bodies then that which is 'I' should be unaffected.
  20. Methanethiol (Mercaptan) - Rotting cabbage smell used as an olefactory label in domestic gas. Citronellol - Lemon Limonene - Orange Carvone - Spearmint Eugenol - Clove Ethyl Maltol - Caramel Vanillin -Vanilla Anisole -Anise Thymol -Thyme Trimethylamine - Rotting fish Putrescine Diaminobutane - Rotting flesh Cadaverie - Rotting flesh All from this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aroma_compound
  21. It can predict the time difference between two points 8 inches apart in altitude; can't argue with that.
  22. It's Galileo's fault for being stubborn... and correct. They all want to follow in his footsteps and stand like a lofty mountain in the annals of human history.
  23. People who post under the guise of asking a noob question, then it later it turns out that they aren't interested but do have a pet theory to promote. Why don't they just come out with it from the beginning.
  24. But that's the point: time and distance have to change in order to keep c at It's value. That's why it's called a constant.
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