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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. My original question related to when the universe was very dense, homogenous and the vacuum of space was yet to emerge
  2. If there was more space it wouldn't be the edge, would it? It could be finite and unbounded, or infinite.
  3. Einstein is a rather big part of the subject. If it wasn't mainstream it wouldn't be in the science section
  4. First time I've left an ad on Youtube:
  5. This is pretty cool and could help solve a major problem for many.
  6. Now that the thread is just about at the bottom of the barrel, as demonstrated by by your increasingly insulting tone to everyone, I think it's done..
  7. It sounds like you have your own ideas and not interested in what current science says. Everybody is giving you the current state of knowledge. You are getting good information from some very knowledgeable people It's a moot question. How do you get a signal off space alone to measure it?
  8. There is no universal now; that would imply an absolute time.
  9. Perhaps the hormone is denatured either in the stomach or the small intestine.
  10. And on a per-project basis. They may also have their own workers,, who work for them to help fulfill the needs of the project/contract.
  11. If you don't consume milk products you need to be watchful that you find alternative sources of calcium because milk represents a sizeable source of it in the Western diet. I love my gut bacteria and give them 10g of galacto-oligosacchardes in the form of arabic gum every day. They repay me with many satisfying trumps. If I was LI then I'd be looking to supplement with lactase.
  12. Freelancer -Self-employed, and responsible for paying tax through the self-assessment process -May be set up as a sole trader or a limited company -Generally works for several clients at once, often on a per-hour or per-day basis -Often works from home or own premises -Most common in media, marketing and creative industries Contractor -Self-employed, and responsible for paying tax through the self-assessment process -May be set up as a sole trader or a limited company -Usually works for one client at a time, often full-time on a particular project for several months -Generally works in the client’s office -Most common in the IT industry http://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/2016/05/difference-between-freelancer-and-contractor/
  13. This is a report about a paper from a multidisciplinary team that investigated it:
  14. No problem. I hope it puts you on a path to sorting it out. Half the problem sometimes is being able to express clearly what you are experiencing.
  15. No.They don't have an evolved enough brain. They can experience stress but it's not the same. I've caught lots of fish where, when I let go to release them, they just sidle off leisurely like nothing happened. I saw a video once of a fish that got bitten in half, leaving the head half, and it was still swimming side-to-side, at a moderate pace, as though nothing had happened.
  16. Sounds like some kind of interpretational rivalry of incoming visual data. A bit like when you look at the vase-face illusion except yours is manifested in the form of different orientations: Do you experience this right before your eyes when you are there or when remembering them? If it's happening in the now then I should see your doctor and tell them you are experiencing episodes of inversions in the vertical and horizontal axis of your visual field; it could be indicative of other problems, yet to surface, as well as the ones you are having. Before the scene reaches your brain, the image passing through your eye lens is inverted in the vertical and horizontal axis and it then gets turned the right way, in both planes, by your brain.... when it's working properly.
  17. Limonene is probably the active ingredient and it does seem to have inhibitory activity against streptococcus species.
  18. Through biochemical processes. Any biological process, of which 'mind' is, is ultimately chemical in origin.
  19. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper's gland) is first:
  20. Yes, all incoming signals are relaying information about the past.
  21. Emergence is a process for which all the sequential details are not yet known and, as yet, can't be predicted. The more steps you know about a process the less like magic it seems; it's only ignorance that makes it look that way.
  22. I did say the knowledge is incomplete, not being able to figure out what's happening between some steps, and that's why it can look like magic. Just because we don't yet understand something means that we should invoke magic. In science, one needs to be comfortable with ignorance until more is known, rather than making wild-assed guesses about states and phenomena that don't exist. You've read the Wiki article, as a primer, keep looking into emergence because that's where your investigations will be most fruitful; this is not the realm of woo and science fiction.
  23. If you study emergence, you'll be following a more scientific path but the picture is not yet complete. I don't think awareness is a single function that you can isolate but a functional continuum between all the parts of the brain and its sensory receptors i.e. it emerges from them
  24. In effect, they would have helped him to prove himself wrong, like the Michelson-Morely experiment, devised by themselves, to show the existence of an aether but it showed otherwise. He did the experiment because he's convinced the conventional view is wrong.
  25. Studio and Dr Krettin will just have been interested in the experiment setup itself and how to make it work. Done properly, the conclusion would have been the same as the ship observation.
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