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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. It has small active core user base with quite a lot of transient traffic. It's pretty steady from about 9am UK through to about 1am. Most registered users probably asked a question or two or had 'theory' to present and moved on.
  2. This might help learning physics: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics For maths help to support the physics: https://www.khanacademy.org/
  3. A homebrewer's heat mat would be simple or ultrasonic mixer would be a better way, if initially more expensive, to preserve volatiles from evaporation.
  4. That's optimistic, you need to add on 3 more 9's.
  5. Yes, it's like saying: which one us on this site is physically the closest to Mars; it's insignificant. i suspect the intentions and goals of the researchers have been taken out of context by people that use it to pursue their unrelated agenda.
  6. Don't forget vanity.
  7. And you have an interesting point too, about some types of signal sources only going to the spinal column. Personally, wrt to the OP, I think it is generally assumed by everyone, and the author knows this, that the brain handles the signals and it is just convention to say that a particular organ 'controls' an input signal.
  8. The brain does the controlling/regulating and uses those devices to apply it.
  9. I saw this thought today. It touched me: You can normally tell the true character of someone, by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.

    1. Raider5678
    2. zapatos


      I agree completely with that thought. I also extend it to evaluate government in general.


    3. koti


      I agree. This works in life really well. In politics there's so much deception that it doesn't have to be necessarily true.

  10. Would a quick method of dual authentication when using your phone be feasible?
  11. As you've said before, it's the inability to realise that 'you don't know what you don't know'. But, somehow, scientists and people that like science, and some other disciplines, do.
  12. It's my thought that if they didn't have language they wouldn't have come up with the wheel because you need a coherent symbolic process to string all the thoughts together internally and be able to share them. As I mentioned before, this can deduced from the pathology of deafness:
  13. They are being reviewed but falling down on the first probing question.
  14. At best, speculations is a place to 'have a play' with or practice with the process of peer review. It's not going to give the speculator anything more than that; even a good idea. If I had an idea and put it up here, I would be using it to find faults. If you didn't pick it to bits, I'd be disappointed.
  15. Trump wants to change that:
  16. Good afternoon, Mr Galilei. Dave, do you have any idea how many people allude to Galileo? Lots. We must see at least one a week.
  17. Probably should have said 'pseudo-science'.
  18. Here's a list of famous books during that period: Archive.org, it should bring up a list of links to copies that you can download. The Archive.org link I've just posted is also a link to one of the books listed. If you scroll down a bit you will see download options for that title; choose the format that suits your purposes. Here's a copy of The New England Primer (1802), also listed above, in text format: https://ia802608.us.archive.org/15/items/newenglandprimer00fordiala/newenglandprimer00fordiala_djvu.txt
  19. So, the very first definition on a Google search doesn't explain what a 'Troll' is in internet slang but the rest of the entries do. Most words have multiple meanings. I think you are being disingenuous saying that.
  20. The 'correct' usage is what is consensually understood by the author and their readers; it is is fluid.
  21. What's so special 'out there' that's not here? All the necessary chemical elements are here. Let me ask you: Is life made from a process involving chemical synthesis and if not, what? If you agree that it is made by chemical synthesis then it's called abiogenesis, I've just noticed, You seem to think abiogenesis is specifically about it beginning on Earth. i think scientists only mention Earth because that's all they know; it could apply to anywhere in the universe where life is found.
  22. It's not the last word but where it works, it seems, it is exquisitely accurate and any new theory must agree in those areas. There has to be a more complete theory because GR fails after a point. i'm not conversant in the finer points but both use spacetime as a platform AFAIK.
  23. Real speculations build on existing theories and have a sound mathematical or observational basis from which to try and advance an idea. All sound new theories overlap with existing ones in some areas. Where an existing theory is correct, the new theory must agree with it in the data and results; what changes is the interpretation of the data and results. A pseudo-speculation is one that acts like an island and ignores all current thinking and data. Basically, something that someone pulled out of their backside in a fit of imagination overload.
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