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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. As strange said.
  2. Consider yourself on the surface. It is the only plane that exists - no vertical, no depth - and you are 2D too with no height; all you can do is look along and around the plane of the surface.
  3. The expansion is a continuation of inflation from the BB. Dark energy causes the acceleration. Everywhere, but it manifests where gravity is too weak to overwhelm the expansion. The weak force, strong force and electromagnetic force overwhelm the expansion, so everything stays the same size. Edit: corrections.
  4. I'm no paediatrician but all these links are to official national and international medical bodies It's approved paediatrically by: UK NHS: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/vaccinations/Pages/men-acwy-vaccine.aspx Canada: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/immunization/docs/meningococcal_b_hcp_qa_en.pdf European Medicines Agency (EMA): http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/human/medicines/002333/human_med_001614.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001d124 The last one gives you all you need to know and is the main body for our respective countries. It would appear that the FDA haven't conducted any studies or are in the process of doing so for paediatric use.
  5. The balloon analogy is very limited in what it describes. i was using it to show the increase in distance between objects, yet none of them feel they are moving in their own frame. Space is 'created' between them. Note: space is not made of anything but there is more space between the objects. It's a pretty difficult idea to translate ithe 2D of the balloon analogy into 3D and you really need to understand the maths of the subject to properly understand what cosmologists are actually talking about. It can't be done in pictures and words properly; they can only give a rough approximation.
  6. WRT to the objects in question, they are not moving any different than they normally do. They are not experiencing any extra acceleration due to the expansion. There is new volume, or space, between the objects which is moving them apart. An oft used analogy is the surface of a balloon. Pick two points on it and they will move apart during inflation but at each point they are still motionless; forget about any reference points outside of the surface of the balloon.
  7. The distance between groups of objects, those that exceeds about 200mlyrs between groups, are moving apart i.e. space is being created between them. At 200mlyrs, gravity is too weak to resist the expansion. Wherever you are in the universe, as the observer, everything beyond that distance is moving away from you.
  8. You might find this paper interesting that i was going to link in the other thread, that's running currently, on it about levels of consciousness: http://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/fulltext/S1364-6613(16)30002-X
  9. Right. Is it still required to put the accents in résumé? I leave them out, relying on context to differentiate from the other meaning.
  10. How about: ECD - Excessive order complex
  11. Would you like me to find someone to dust off your ivory tower? You are a clever guy but your intellectual aloofness and the implicit self-aggrandising I get from the quoted post, does you no favours. One doesn't know that one might not understand the answer until one asks. Even though one may not understand completely, it may add a useful piece or two in the jigsaw puzzle for them. At the very least, it gives a person an indication how far they've got to go learning before they can understand and can put signposts in the road ahead for them. Besides, an answer may not prove useful to the questioner but will to someone else that is capable, now or in the future; It's never wasted. I read all your posts in this thread and don't have a clue about most of it but they give me a sense of the scale of what is necessary to be learnt in order to understand this subject. It sets the stage for me, if not the details just yet. With increasing exposure, one becomes familiar with the unfamiliar.
  12. Earth is fluid on astronomical timescales, so it's always been 'liquid'.
  13. He heard on a podcast and wants to know if it's true; he's not asserting. Citation not needed.
  14. I have a bike light that dims. Apparently, it works by reducing the number times it flashes/pulses. I noticed that the tread on my tyres was strobing and it was explained to me that the emitted light is not continuous... on a cheap one anyway, like mine is.
  15. In this environment they are not as comfortable as men, or so it seems to me. Mooey anf Hyper are examples of women that can AND they are scientists.
  16. He may think they are bullied but I think they are held to account just the same as males. The trouble is, it's not most non-science women's usual MO to be so adversarial in discussion.; Mooey did and HyperV does handle us just fine because they know the score in science discussion.
  17. https://treasures.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/
  18. Edited: Deleted give that the necessary mod action has been taken.
  19. If the purpose is to save power.
  20. Now that this is in the realms of speculation, it belongs there. This is a conventional science section.
  21. Wouldn't planets be at their most vulnerable going around the thin end of their elliptical orbit when acceleration, and probably momentum, is at its highest?
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