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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Interesting. Didn't realise about the weight difference; quite significant.
  2. I thought he meant MS One Drive, the cloud-based solution. I meant external... there wants to be air gap, except when backing up.
  3. Whatever works for you. i've got a persistent prospective hijacker on this site that won't f- off but it won't cause me any loss because my stuff is not accessible. i treat any iteration of my Windows drive as disposable and distinct from my data and can be re-maged, on a whim, in minutes. To me, Windows is a workspace, not a storage space.
  4. Whatever ever you use, have a good backup routine and never store your data on the same drive as your OS.
  5. This might be a more appropriate starting point for doing the first principles in physics: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics The range of subjects available here, particularly the maths: https://www.khanacademy.org/#/math
  6. "We are civil unioned", "When did you get civil unioned?" and "Will you civil union with me?" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
  7. I think, before supply becomes a problem other sources will be mainstream. It's quite a high priority because lithium batteries can be quite incendiary and thermal stability is not great, as well as the general drive for more energy-density and improving the number of charge-cycles. Potassium and sodium ions are two such avenues.
  8. He can determine or influence how it grows. You can't stop the final destiny but you can choose the path that is taken. To put it in another, more fundamental, way: you can't stop the flow of energy but you can choose the form that it takes and where it goes before the final, determined, endpoint.
  9. Would it be better to laminate with a thin, plastic film? Do you apply the coating to a whole sheet of cards before cutting them out or are the cards cut out before you coat them? Going with your suspicions on the cause, this pdf article mentions something about surface energy being too low in many plastics and the need for pretreatment to increase it to improve the wetting characteristics: http://www.sabreen.com/surface_wetting_pretreatment_methods.pdf
  10. I use CCleaner periodically
  11. Wow! That is a dinosaur. Do you think it's the site/page or in my machine? I think I'll re-image my laptop tonight - that should eliminate it being my machine if it comes up again on that page. This is about the fourth time it's happened on SFN for me. Cap'n Refsmat did look into it the other two times.
  12. W10 on laptop wifi-ed to phone.
  13. Yes, it disables the close button on the browser. I do a hard shutdown.
  14. WRT to the use of the word 'marriage': I can't see any justification for only one group monopolising such a common word for their own use or for it to be used by people that fall within a definition of narrow scope.
  15. Came up again tonight in the same thread. Is anybody else seeing this? I've run adwcleaner this time and it found 10 threats which it has removed. it seems odd it's only that thread.
  16. Got a fake Windows Defender virus-warning splashed across my screen in the gay marriage thread (if it's relevant) a few minutes ago. I held the power button down to get rid of it but task manager would probably have sorted it.
  17. You need to ask gay people but I suspect iNow echoes the view of many of those people; they want equality and using a different word for the same thing for a different group is not.
  18. From today's BBC:
  19. If it walks like a duck... Yes. The substrate doesn't have to be the same.
  20. Like the operating system vs programs? But the OS is still data which makes up the functional matrix. What I see is hierarchies of information.
  21. Mind is data and the other technologies from the past are just less sophisticated versions of how it processes. Computers reflect how we think. We are basically making them in our own image; we can't do anything else. All technologies are insights into the workings of the mind. When you see a beehive and its occupants you are looking at a blueprint into the workings or "minds" of bees.
  22. It needs to happen empirically before we can start to figure out what constitutes a mind. If mind is an emergent property, I don't think think anyone can work out what's needed to bring about that emergence.
  23. Rather than obsess tryiing to create or model a mind, if you just focus on getting AI to perform the tasks that humans can do, it's mind will emerge as its complexity and abilities increases. After the fact, scientists can then figure out which are the essential attributes that give rise to a mind by elimination.
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