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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. in my case, i would have been better off without either. I agree, the notion of a particular family configuration, in reality, may not be the best that is available.
  2. But he made no distinction. This is what I mean about his statements being too wide; they need to be more focused and nuanced. This is a very delicate subject with lots of potholes, as I'm sure you'll agree. In a subject like this, one can't make the assumption that what one says is clear. Gestational development is a continuum and the line between non-personhood and personhood is extremely fuzzy.
  3. So, a foetus has no potential for suffering in the third trimester?
  4. This is a bit of a stretch, but if we assume a perfectly clear sky, the photons that reflected off the book's pages would travel in a configuration through space that carried the book's information for a very long time; even when the book no longer exists. So, someone in the future could read those reflected photons some vast distance away. I agree with your central premise though that if the information is not available it does not exist.
  5. You mean a dead one? If I defended you and killed your attacker, are my actions unethical? Your statements are too wide.
  6. I'm not sure I agree with that. Not having a language means you don't have a framework for learning and organisation. Also, would your inner voice be available if you don't have a language? Most of my thoughts on this come from what I know about deafness, wrt language deprivation, and its effects on cognitive development. Certain things don't happen within a person if the brain doesn't get certain stimili at key points in development and the person becomes, in effect, stunted in the way they can interact with their environment or people. It's rather like, if a very young child receives no affection, or exposed to too many primary carers, their ability to form long-lasting social and personal bonds later in life can be seriously compromised and they may express life-long, socially pathological behaviour.
  7. Yes.
  8. Our Head of State is also the boss of the C of E so it's quite messy and entangled.
  9. My error. I was conflating the two. I forget this is an international forum and the bee-in-the-bonnet here is about church-sanctioned marriage atm.
  10. I think within the civil areas there absolutely should be equality but within the religious arena that depends on them; it's their club e.g. when you join this forum you agree to abide by the rules.
  11. What? In all circumstances just because it's ethical in some? It's considered not ethical post-24 weeks as a routine procedure; A foetus has 'person rights beyond this figure and has a funeral; in the UK anyway.
  12. This should be in Speculations.
  13. Probably better to say 'one' to avoid ambiguity.
  14. As I already pointed to the state of current knowledge in post 23 your assertion is weightless and wasn't worth posting.
  15. It seems he's heading firmly in Erdogan's direction. Today's BBC report:
  16. So do I. Edit: I shall defend to the death a person's right to call someone else names based on their behaviour.
  17. I reckon Tayip Erdogan and Trump are twins.
  18. It is simplest to say; For those things that have no evidence we can dismiss them with no evidence.
  19. Jenner and Pasteur must be turning in their graves.
  20. It's an emergent property of chemical reactions that occur in a particular way or sequence. It's information or data.
  21. Volume to surface area is much greater in a commercial vat than the vessels you work with (7800L vs 4.55L to 25L) and there are several of these in a confined space; this difference causes more heat to be retained. For maximum flavour, as hyperV says, you want to work with the lowest temperature that keeps the process going to minimise the loss of volatiles, like esters, which give the beer/wine their particular character.
  22. Cooling. It doesn't react with the fermenting liquid - not to the extent of affecting flavour - and it transfers heat efficiently.
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