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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. He doesn't look like he's playing the long game to me. To me, playing the long game is not overtly taking sides, when neither side is without blood on their hands. The moral compass favours neither one.
  2. Can you elaborate on the bolded? General: As far as I'm concerned, if an organism can perform an action against a strong impulse to do otherwise, that's free will. Free will is having the ability to modulate subconsciously-sourced signals. The flow of signals is not linear, so talking about which level has temporal primacy means nothing because the subconscious and the conscious are part of the same whole organism. As an analogy: Where is the beginning/end of a circle?
  3. Maybe so, but it's looking like the US needs a new direction because all it's doing atm is digging itself into a hole, which could restrict his policy options when things change. What if Israel does something much worse beyond what they doing now, how is Biden going to bail out and not look like he'll 180 on a penny, like Trump? What Biden is ultimately doing is shutting down his options. This is a show that's going to keep running and especially as we don't have the moral high ground in this debacle, so let's not wring our hands in fake moral despair at the horror of it all.
  4. With Biden seeking to offer unlimited access to US conventional weapons stockpiles, I think he's tanked it. He seems to be totally blind to the high levels of global support the Gazans have. The bloke's a liability now. I don't know now who is the worst prospect; Trump or Biden. The guy's vision of the situation is too limited.
  5. I was ok up to you going into Holocaust-denial mode.
  6. Hyacinth Bucket. Pronounced 'Bukkit'.
  7. The Post article that Dim linked does actually say they considered what can be shown.
  8. I can see it. It's probably region-restricted if one can't see it. Even though it is graphic enough for me, for your average Republican hill-billy/red neck/trailer trash I don't think it's explicit enough. Consider that many younger people are decimating characters in their games in the most explicit ways possible. It's too tame.
  9. 'Tea towels' here too, East Midlands. IIRC you shouldn't dry them with a cloth if hygiene is imperative; cross-contamination risk.
  10. If a person calls a colour 'yellow', it can be backed up or refuted with a colour analyser. It's associated with an objective measurement. It has a defined frequency range.
  11. I think IPA is hydrophillic, so as one keeps opening the bottle and the liquid diminishes, the air volume increases and, so, water concentration increases as it draws moisture from the air space.
  12. All science is wrong in the end. What matters is that scientists can do useful things with the theories they have until something else supersedes it. That's the way science rolls. A fact is only correct in a contemporary sense... it answers the questions of the day. What we have today is what we have to work with.
  13. If you are concerned about it stick to the BB date. That's what it's been tested to. Storage conditions matter, so it's a 'How long is a piece of string' sort of question.
  14. @geordief Are you aware there's a vaccine now for it and existing sufferers can take it to deal with future eruptions? Over 70 it's free in the UK.
  15. I've linked 2 American, a UK, and one from the European Medines Agency. Fill yer boots. Assessing the benefit:risk ratio of a drug - randomized and naturalistic evidence - NIH Enhancing Benefit-Risk Assessment in Regulatory Decision-Making - FDA Risk:benefit analysis of drugs in practice - BMJ https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/about-us/what-we-do/regulatory-science-research/benefit-risk-methodology#:~:text=The benefit-risk methodology project,benefits and risks of medicines. - EMA
  16. A year is a century in politics and 2024 is too far away to call.. Too much can happen, especially at this juncture in human history. I'm much less optimistic for the Dems, since Biden hugged up with Netanyahu.
  17. Those that added the abortion question had strong support from the pro-groups, apparently. I read today that 1 in 4 women have had one in the US. If it's that many, I can't see the antis prevailing over the long-term.
  18. deleted
  19. You clear out a negative past by creating new positive memories.
  20. He's not just a side-show fanatic though, is he? He's actually pulling on the the levers of power there and writing policy.
  21. I had an impish desire to re-post him with a notoriously-iconic mustache. He could sew this on his kippa and wear his heart on his head.
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