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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Is it a traumatic novel experience for you joining a moderated forum with standards?
  2. Quite a naughty one then.
  3. If you can: Download Adwcleaner and run it. Click Scan > Get rid of everything it finds > It will ask to reboot. It will do all the registry searching. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/ Another option: You can get into the Administrator account by typing cmd in Search > Right-click Command Prompt > Select Run As Administrator > Type: net user administrator /active:yes Press Enter It will say "The command was completed successfully" Reboot and you should have an Administrator account to choose to login into - no password needed first time and it will set up first. You can find the files in your account from there or run adwcleaner after installing there. For future reference, make your account 'Standard User' and use the admin account for emergencies. You can still have admin rights in Standard mode but Windows will ask for the admin password first. The idea is that if you don't have automatic elevated priveleges in your normal account nor does malware and any problems remain confined just to that account and not the whole system. This is what I do. Remember to put a password in the admin account when you first get in there or else you won't be able to elevate your privileges in your normal account.
  4. Doesn't a modnote mean anything?
  5. This graph is interesting from the BBC. The number of terrorism-related cases since 9/11 and where the perpetrators come from: Includes those charged with or died engaging in jihadist terrorism http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38766364
  6. Yes, I don't hold him in very high esteem either, to put it mildly.
  7. I found a TI84 emulator for Windows, Mac and Android that you might be able to use: emulator: https://wabbit.codeplex.com/ Operating system: https://education.ti.com/en/software/details/en/B7DADA7FD4AA40CE9D7911B004B8C460/ti84plusoperatingsystem
  8. And it's a Sweden that wants him. Hardly a place known for injustice, corruption and authoritarianism. Because it's them that want him i suspect there is some truth in the allegations.
  9. Yes, that's true. Would the net pressure be greater or would it be negated do you think?
  10. Yes, it's ability to fit in declines and not able, or less able, to exploit the changing/new conditions.
  11. Assuming everything else is the same, the pressure from the thickest pads would be greatest because the resistance to opening would increase with the increased distance caused by the thicker pads.
  12. The latest on the BBC site.
  13. It's generally seen as a process of incrementing advantageous factors but if you ask an evolutionary biologist they will say 'it's a change in allele frequency over time' which can mean species decline as well as species success. They are still evolving either way.
  14. Funny how he likes to pop in and chin-wag with STEM types.
  15. Thank you for deigning come to see us.
  16. It seems, an example of evolution doubling back on itself; some organisms evolved to live on land from water then variants of them evolved back into the water.
  17. "Keep your hands off my stack". He makes the flawed assumption that everyone starts with the same knowledge, resources, ability and opportunities. He's a "dog eat dog" type of person... which is probably at the core of the Republican ethos.
  18. I was going to say that one needs to be omniscient to know reality as it actually is.
  19. That's the way it is in science. Scientists will never know completely but they get closer with each new model.
  20. Yes, in the case of those moths the mutation is already present and some offspring express it but, being non-camouflaged, they get eaten until the environment changes and their survival and reproduction then swings in their favour.
  21. 문제 없어!! What cool writing; never noticed Korean before.
  22. i suppose anything is possible with him at this point. Now, that's a role model I want to follow... not.
  23. You aren't a closet fan of Galileo, are you, and going to pull him out of the hat in the near future?
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