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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. Ideology diddit.
  2. If anything comes out of Trumps presidency it will be to see how strong the checks and balances are within the government infrastructure and laws, and where they will need amending to prevent those abuses or errors happening again by future presidents.
  3. You don't have to be religious to say "All human life is precious" and that abortion contravenes that sentiment. Not my view by the way. It's pulled out from the same place where people say it's wrong to execute people.
  4. Synaptic plasticity would be associated with learning but not creativity per se. As you practice something, new synapses are created which then 'hardwires' you to do that action automatically without having to think consciously about each step in performing that action.
  5. Perhaps it's looking at evidence with clearer eyes rather than looking at it through the blinkers of ideology. Also, perhaps, they are becoming more pragmatic.
  6. Those are pretty left-wing sentiments even by UK standards. Surprising. It's a truism really and no-brainer but segregation can only perpetuate division in every sense and dischord.
  7. "You can fool some people..." Just keep giving him rope.
  8. Yes. It's important to be consistent with what the convention determines what particular words mean in science, and other technical professions as well. If everybody used different meanings for the same words or terms it would be like being in a band where everyone is playing different tunes at the same time.
  9. One cannot not attend any function attended or quote words uttered by, not "Donald Trump", but THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. You can throw up now.
  10. That is a given.That's why science has 'theories' and not 'truths'.
  11. So, you reference a paper presented by someone in IT?
  12. The difference is that hallucinations appear to come from a source outside of the body, so they aren't in the strict sense, in terms of how the mental health professions define them, I think.
  13. You venture onto the "ice" whilst holding on to what you already know. New ideas come from new permutations of old and new data.
  14. Isn't that what science is doing all the time but in patient, small, methodical steps? If you are thinking of the paradigm-changing ideas of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Einstein, then they only happen every couple or three centuries... only about two hundred years to wait for the next one. Puts it in perspective just how rare this level of mind is... doesn't it? And to think we get a budding "Galileo" here every week!
  15. You don't need to measure it. It is enough to know that you've put another piece in the bridge that leads into the unknown.
  16. My giddy god... what a performance from Gary Moore.
  17. It has been noted and it is under discussion between the mods. There wasn't any point in continuing, especially when the mood was taking a turn for the worst.
  18. Yes, I know, but my comment was intended to to just encompass the US itself.
  19. Thank God we in the UK only suffered Brexit and not him... can... not... compute.
  20. all trimmings the with.
  21. Right.
  22. It's the best methodology for finding out about things that we have. There is no other system of analysis that comes close. The fact that the information it gathers and conclusions derived by that method can be, and is, modified with new information shows that it works well; the idea of 'truth' is, in reality, a moving target. Regardless of the ability of some people trained in it, the principles on which the scientific method are based is rock-solid; just because some people aren't very good doctors doesn't make the subject of medicine invalid.
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