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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The fear of killing a person not guilty of the crime is the one usually cited. There are degrees of evidence, motives and injury that results from their actions and so, I think, prison is appropriate in some of those cases.
  2. Gravity is the curvature. Mass causes it. Mass tells space how to bend and space tells mass how to move. The rate at which both diminish with distance is different.
  3. From the perspective of the victims families and the fact that that murdered person will never exist again. When someone you love dies the concept of infinity really strikes home, and deeply so, and I think it gives a good idea of the weight of a family's loss that has lost someone through wanton violence. Include the act of violence itself, the gravity of that combination is probably beyond anyones comprehension that has not experienced it.
  4. Some people don't quite grasp what 'forever' means and the gravity which that concept carries.
  5. I'm looking at this: On reflection, you've made a mess of this. I interpreted this as you saying the clouds reflect blue and this is the why the Earth is blue, which is wrong because clouds are white or greyish from a distance and they reflect all colours. In the absence of clouds - which are water vapour - the Earth looks blue because the short wavelengths are reflected off the air molecules
  6. You are misapplying a global notion to a local situation. edited
  7. What's peace got to do with it? The conversation has reached a point of impasse, which is ok because that's the nature of this beast.
  8. ... which may advocate death. I think we need a thread on what justice is and what it means in different cultures.
  9. If they meet the criteria of a juridisdiction. That is your assertion.
  10. This thread is going around in circles and people are just repeating what's already been said. <Yawns> If a person is eligible to be put to death then the notion of rehabilitation is moot.
  11. Emotions are the primary drivers for actions in a social context.
  12. It is often said, as justification for keeping high-band taxes lower, because it's those people/companies that create the jobs. I don't know what the solution is because companies can exploit invest elsewhere that is more welcoming to their strategy.
  13. I'll just pick one: Wrong, it's caused by Rayleigh scattering. Learn some basic science before you start arguing against it.
  14. If you are serious about fitration it needs to be PM2.5 standard - 2.5 micron particles. N95, or FFP2, filters remove 95% and N99 or FFP3 fiters remove 99% of particles.
  15. I think he said rubidium clocks are good for 20cm differences, which is still amazing in my book.
  16. This is it: you can't build castles in the sky.
  17. That and referring to Galileo.
  18. The successor, I think, will be ones based on strontium. This means that the time difference at a 1cm difference in elevation can be measured and won't gain or lose a second in 15 billion years!
  19. History will show the person he was. What people say now doesn't matter; he and his wife have done their job.
  20. And what drops these things? If they are dropped from a sub-orbital height they are not allowed and would breach nuclear arms treaties. I know this because the US wanted to reassign some of their ICBMs to use falling solid tips for conventional attacks but Russia wouldn't allow it because they had no way of knowing if they were nuclear-tipped or not. I can't reference this, it was a while ago when I was learning about all the nuclear weapon designs that had been done. Edit: More correctly, it should be said, that if Russia or America dropped these things via an ICBM it will treated as a nuclear attack.
  21. Any military vehicle or base has to be protected. i can't think of any vehicle that is better protected.
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