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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. There's a killcapslock .reg file in the folder from this link: http://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/gg/KeyboardMappings.zip.
  2. It goes back further than that with the typewriters with ribbons and long mechanical arms. If you pressed certain letters in sequence too fast they had a tendency to get caught next to each other and then stuck. Kudos to you for your sense of invention. Nothing like redesigning something when you're bored. I've just remodded my brand new strimmer and buggered the guarantee.
  3. Energy is a bit of a grey one because it is a quantifiable and monetisable product and such probably left to market forces BUT a country's correct functioning is slave to it's availability; everything depends on it.
  4. Probably, the differences are due to different priorities and conditions.
  5. I was going to do probiotics during a lengthy period of treatment I went through but passed on it when I read that no meaningful numbers get passed the stomach acid to make a difference. To increase the amount getting through they need to be in a liquid medium that doesn't stimulate acid production; basically water. Going on this, producing, isolating and maintaining a pure enough bacterial culture is going to be beyond the knowledge and resources of the home DIYer. You could, of course, go the yoghurt or other food-based route but, like I said, it's not likely going be effective. If you read research on it, they find the cultured bacteria in the faeces but they don't say how many.
  6. I could... I would ring my uncle. He was in your game.
  7. I think he was being a comic.
  8. How would you know without testing? You need to actually test to get the data to use a formula to calculate EFC; this applies to anything. If in doubt ask the manufacturer for the test data for the model you are interested in or some external tester that does this
  9. Yeah, that's what I expect they would say if you asked them.
  10. People that can draw/paint etc well from real-life would have good V-S ability, I would have thought, because they are translating 3D onto a 2D plane that, if they are good, can be intuitively translated to give the impression of 3D by someone viewing it.
  11. I think you are criticising his dry and, correctly, dispassionate manner when moderating. He's a scientist and his delivery is consistent with one. He's not a touchy-feely person that wraps everything akin to criticism in words laced with sugar to help the medicine go down. If you are pulling him down because he is "biased" towards the scientific method, everything that goes with it and expects others to follow it then he is guilty as charged. A majority of long-term members here are like-minded and in that regard we are a conspiracy and clique
  12. There There is nothing to beat empirical experience. The long term members here are the most factually honest people I've come across in any forum and will, instantly, or soon after, willingly capitulate on their position if they are shown to be wrong. When people appear to gang up it's because they agree, not because they being nepotistic. If you were here long enough you would see feisty arguments between everybody at sometime or other, regardless of how much they may like the person..... even between mods. Evidence is king and if someone believes the other is wrong then they will say so. There have been more than a few occasions when normally amiable members have had to 'have a shower'. The ones between people where a particular subject may be their day job are quite fun to watch. Peer review is alive and well. here.
  13. If someone makes a claim then ask them about how they came to that conclusion. They probably empirically tested samples then, based on their testing, they expect their guns to last x number of rounds.
  14. If they were admitted to mental health services after then they were losing or had already lost their mental balance, it probably explains their behaviour with the doctor; it was probably a symptom of their distress. They knew they had a problem but were attributing it to the wrong thing; deliberately or mistakenly. A lot of people do this. A physical problem is easier to talk about than a mental one. There is a certain stigma associated with mental illness.
  15. In fishing rods, they lose their recovery rate - springiness - over time, which is the rate at which it returns after being bent; it affects casting performance. There is a process by which premium rod blanks are put under, but the term escapes me atm. that preserves the recovery rate for longer. In a nutshell, over time, the rod bends more under less load and you can't cast as far. UV and air are the culprits IIRC. If I hit on the right term I'll know fair bit more that I can post on the phenomenon. Savvy anglers are finely tuned the performance of their rods and can feel when they are failing.
  16. That's ok. It might not give you exactly what you want but could be a springboard to the information you want with learning the right terminology for that field. Checking definitions of terms can be a useful way of exploring an unfamiliar field. That's what I did here. If you can find terms or lingo that are unique to that field, enter them in your search terms you can zone in much quicker on your target.
  17. I found this article that has an Excel download that apparently predicts barrel life: http://www.accurateshooter.com/technical-articles/excel-formula-predicts-useful-barrel-life/ Note the caveat at the end.
  18. To be good at them you have to do them... the more you do them the better you get because you already have the prerequisite knowledge. If you don't 'get' a test sample it's because you don't understand the principle being used and principles can be learned. The only caveat I can think of is if your micro-memory (very short term memory, analogous to computer RAM) is limited you'll never be able to do some things because you can't hold enough information simultaneously to do it successively in memory. There is a limit to the number of objects you can permute (juggle) between them simultaneously; some can handle more than others.
  19. It seems absurd to present a hypothesis and not expect critical comments. I hope, one day, that I can come up with an idea that I think is feasible and try to defend it; without spitting my dummy out
  20. They used to leave me stumped too but once you know the possible variations in any given style of pattern it seems straightforward... it can be learned. Presented with a novel pattern style I'm often buggered because I don't know where/how the translation is occuring.
  21. One of the things of a good visual-spatial ability is the ability to picture a 2D or 3D object or pattern and rotate it in your mind. A typical one in tests is being presented with a sequence of dot patterns and you have to choose from a selection which will be the next one in the sequence.
  22. You were on the right track.
  23. Thanks for the explanation. Is it possible for a person having a schizophrenic episode to rationalise - with professional help - that their accessory symptoms are endogenous manifestations or is total denial a defining feature of this condition that can't be turned around or stabilised by talking therapies? Note: I use the word 'denial' loosely because I appreciate the sufferer has no choice in what they experience and, from their perspective, it's all real.
  24. Perhaps you are trying to visualise an outer edge to an infinite universe when you ought to just consider there is an increase in distance between cosmological groups that are not gravitationally bound; think locally rather than globally.
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