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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. The first one. I think, if it was the latter, they would say "Replace or substitute 20% by mass....."
  2. They are a very intensive and expensive project. Looking at the timeline for the new Queen Elizabeth class ACC for the UK navy, the design started in 1998 and the first of the two carriers will be operational next year with planes on it; that's 20 years from conception to combat ready. They are going to want the best part of 50 years to justify that investment, aren't they? If the UK and US are still building them and they are key players in any wargame it's hard to see how the OP's assumption is justified. China and Russia, the former in particular, probably haven't got the boffins to design to an equivalent level....it doesn't have the track record that NATO countries have with them to refer to and learn from. In short, it has no history to learn from. These things are mini towns and the combined military and civilian logistics necessary are mind-blowing... to me anyway
  3. If ACCs were obsolete nearing obsolescence I don't think the UK would be spending billions on two new ones which are due to come into service in the next couple of years or so and operative probably to 2050.
  4. Interesting. Can you give some examples of formal thought disorders and explain what it is meant by that?
  5. I suppose, the only way to ascertain whether it's motives are benevolent or malevolent is to accept what they say for a period of time and see how their advice pans out.
  6. He chose to ask scientists as is his prerogative.because he felt the phenomenon was unusual and wanted an explanation. A home repair site would have been unlikely to give a scientific explanation because a scientist a physicist is equipped to understand the forces involved. A chemist could have advised on the best chemicals to use once they knew the nature of the blockage. Which part of the modnote did you not understand?
  7. Cheers. that's a good explanation.
  8. But, often, throwing reason at belief is like chucking water on a duck's back.
  9. Is it known why the solid becomes a gas - Carbon to Nitrogen when you add a proton? I appreciate it's likely to do with the extra electron.
  10. There is a moral obligation to ones community.
  11. In these scenarios, I would attempt to put certain ideas in their head that put them in the right direction but in a way that makes them think they thought of them. Nobody likes to be told what to think so let them think they thought of it.
  12. When it comes to the areas of social care/education infrastructure, like those I mentioned, that are not amenable to quantifiable metrics, and hence arbitrary targets in terms how we measure success in them, I'm quite the left-winger. Target-driven policies are out of place in these settings. It drives teachers to show their pupils how to pass an exam rather than teach the subject because their future funding depends on it. It encourages 'cooking the books'. It encourages corruption.
  13. Charles River Labs, in their PDF on the disease, says zoonotic transmission is possible. It is prevalent in guinea pigs, rats and mice. sp2.pdf
  14. It could have been the beginning of time but not the beginning of the universe; the emergence of time may have occurred at the start of the BB. There are many as-yet evidence-free scenarios.
  15. I agree. This trend towards achieving targets in healthcare, education and social services is detrimental to the people that work in them, the people they work with and the community they serve for the reasons you state.Priorities are redirected and wasted towards meeting targets set by financially-minded admin headhunted from unrelated fields who don't have a clue about the needs of the people that work in those fields.
  16. Whatever, it's clear from the other responses that you are not getting across properly what you are on about.
  17. I had an attack when admin dealt with it last but I knew what was happening and shut the browser down through Task Manager. If that hadn't worked I'd have done the nuclear option and held the power button down to do a hard shutdown. It was acting under the guise of a warning from MS Essentials which is no more.
  18. My understanding of what you wrote is that you don't realise that gravitationally-bound objects stay that way.
  19. It seems so, they make cysts in dry conditions which could then become amoebae once they are in wet conditions again, like mucus membranes.
  20. I've no idea about the wavelengths of the photons involved/emitted in each part. Pass
  21. The heat is photons being emitted as the electrons in the ionised molecules go back to the rest state.
  22. The ionic discharge which brings forth light - which is heat - superheats the air molecules which then create a shockwave. It's got to get to that temperature first, which takes time, no matter how short. That is the order of events.
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